Submitted by livfully
on Mon, 11/23/2015 – 18:17

Lucky me, I made it to the picturesqure Berkshire County Club and partook of the talents of Berkshire Women Writers event held on Sun.Nov 23rd. Don’t worry, in the commnets we’ll list who was there so you can shop for their books and arts for the holidays and gifts (even to yourself). More later, but way cool, check the main site for other events throughout the year! Journal away and share your talents. Make a friend and find a reason to share your talents today or as you can with others…Hugs, Catherine

Without my list handy, I’ll have to wing this for now so a few folks get some kudos. Writers at the event included Jennifer Browdy, Jenna F. Hill (Cinderella, The Church and A Crazy Lady), Carol Ascher (A Call from Spooner Street), Deb Koffman (The Magic Lamp)–she also offers a 1st Tues of the Month  Open Mic at her studio in Housatonic MA from 7p-9p. Definitely neat to check out and get on the list if you want with the theme in advance.

Some area authors have a book at their local libraries (Great Barrington MA has a special section for local authors, so check that out too!) Happy reading and I’ll add more soon and encourage you to do some promo here for writers and artists you enjoy!