It’s one thing to think spring and gardening (and the regreening of plan-it heart/ earth) but another to have a bunch of amazing people think to hold a Free Event at a lovely location where folks can literally walk to it (love that about the city…) Such is the case on March 11, 2017 at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. I am relaying that much off a newsletter I got from a Community Garden I am lucky to be part of (for only $25 a season).
I should be helping host open public hours on the weekend and hopefully will do more than have fun when I can there, even without having a garden plot or serious chores to do. Hopefully more people of all ages and walks of life can find their way to one of these gems in their area or of course, start one.
In Canaan CT an effort at Plantin’ Seeds is a bright spot for many to share their talents and take the garden experience to the ‘enjoying food’ level. I have to learn more but keep hearing cool things about it.
So why not be curious and consider doing something in your area even now and then along these lines of promoting environmental skills and networking? Bon Appetit and Happy Gardening! See posts on my Turtle Garden Permaculture Game (google or scroll through the page numbers.. I need a TOC, Table of Contents and to number posts. Lots on the To-Do List, but easy does it is the Turtle Garden motto too. HugEnergy, Cath/Livfully