The real name of a Santa bringing cheer to people in the tri-corner area for fifty years rhymes with sing (and he has a grand daughter being recognized in the state of Massachusetts as one whose developed her talent as one with a great set of pipes, as is a youth from Millerton NY being recruited by a top vocal school. When we hear about talent we forget that we each have ‘God-given or natural gifts’ maybe in part due to genetics and upbringing but some even beyond that type of explanation. The simple gifts of living and breathing need more celebrating.
With all due respect for everyone’s various beliefs, the babe (to all and savior to some) in the manger Christmas story reminds of each of not only the birth of Jesus two thousand years ago, but of each person born in a mysterious wondrous way to a mother and father (not always present, but somewhere energetically carrying the life force connection if alive on the planet.)
When we get down to basics, the gift of life is astounding to think about, maybe a bit too mystical or metaphysical so it makes sense that religions and cultural traditions mark seasons of the year and embrace the cozier aspects of each stage of life from birth to death (and even beyond with angelic choirs or dreams of loved ones giving insights and a sense of connection beyond the here and now or waking hours.) Once the ball gets rolling in terms of declaring the holiday season has begun, things can get carried away with bells and whistles and a little hoopla.
Such was the case in North Canaan CT on a crisp but still pleasant November 29th, 2015 Sunday evening at dark around 5:30pm. The quiet stretch of Route 44 from St. Joseph’s Church near Stop ‘n Shop turned into a holiday parade corridor as about 20 decked-out glowing vehicles proceeded with music and fire engines blaring past Collin’s Diner with its super-sized Santa at the door ( worth seeing up close on one’s way into lunch sometime to keep the 50 years going strong as the oldest diner in the country I think, but the nicest folks and great food) and the Depot Plaza then up Railroad Street past the Colonial Theatre which is being renovated (hurrah! and has a music shop offering free guitar lessons) and to the Elementary School where vendors filled the gym with an array of goods and a pasta dinner was held for the hungry revelers.
A big thanks and congratulations to all who decorated and partook of the winter festivities. The numbers of locals was much humbler than the Rail Road Days in the summer which fills the streets with people on the night of the parade and of the fireworks. It’s easier to find a way to get out in the summer when one is not recovering from the tryptophan in turkey from Thanksgiving feasting. That too was done to the max at the Pilgrim House with a nice write up in the on page B5 on Friday, November 27th. Since I’m doing a week in review, I wish you all a happy belated Thanksgiving 2015.. I spent a few hours helping someone do up some vegetarian (actually vegan, with no animal products) stuffing and an apple pie the crust of which was made from flour and oil and small amount of water.