On Facebook, I just learned that the new market in the former Grand Union shopping center will be opening shortly under new direction. Skip Trotta owns the building and used to run Trotta’s in Sharon CT which is owned by someone else. That family, The Donovans, selected the current managers of The Sharon Farm Market to run the Sharon Store about five years ago (or more). The father of the family running that upscale grocery store will be running the new Millerton store. His son will oversee the Sharon Store

Some have felt the GU, Grand Union, afforded families reasonable selections and good prices. Some fear that will no longer be the case. Some feel the GU store was too run down to open right away as a store without remodelling. People have had concerns about cleanliness and overall decline of facilities.

This is to help keep the ball rolling to hopefully address concerns and encourage more people to think of seeing www.gaia.org and other resources to face the future (which includes a lot of bad news about Climate Change and people likely needing to learn to grow more food on their own and work together on many fronts, especially with the current takeover mentality of the current administration which likely will rush destruction of the environment even more than expected in the next ten years.)

The overall picture for people who cannot afford high prices might mean more networking for potlucks (sharing some cooking with a friend to enjoy a variety of meals and ideas as well as fellowship.) Packaged foods are a fairly recent addition to stores, so maybe cooking classes at the community center, more gardening (even home kitchen gardens in pots or in small rows for herbs, salads, some fresh beans and such can help people feel fortunate..which all are in the country.

Food desserts do exist in the city where people cannot find fresh fruits and such…in the poorer areas more than the wealthy ones. Not always easy to know what to do, but talking things over with friends, realizing most healthy food is not processed helps. Maybe those shopping at other stores could offer to do some shopping for those who have transportation challenges. Food Trucks are popular in North Canaan and likely in other states too.

Healthy criticism is reasonable but maybe take some care in painting too bleak of a picture since we all need more people to live up in the hill country, especially younger people to keep everything going and raise their families. Weekenders contribute a great deal to many aspects of the community, including paying higher property taxes without needing school services and so on.

Likely many locals care for the properties and everyone can start using their know-how to educate a shrinking world (less land and more people…) Wishing everyone well.. together ‘we shall overcome’. More ideas on www.livfully.org and comments with a constructive criticism delivered with decency are welcome… I can summarize part of this there too as likely it’s a shared dilemma around the country.

When someone replied What the heck (in so many letters…), I replied back as I’m apt to do…

I know I say things that may land the wrong way but I would caution folks about ‘liability…’ A person can be sued for defamation of character and lots more even if they are speaking the truth

. Making points without name-calling and put-downs isn’t only nice it may be the law before long (if not already where many people cannot speak openly in many groups or ‘public places’).

But we will each learn as we can and in time…some from TV and Judge Judy and others with real-life at home or in public…this is one of those ‘public places’ so new regulations pertain.

There is www.dutchessmediation.org which could maybe be consulted to meet with someone representing the store or petitions or letters to make concerns known..and hopefully be considered more seriously.

Remember you are dealing with human beings so feeling respected or treated with decency can help a lot with interactions and shame and blame likely will have people shutting down or creating more havoc. Anyone thinking that makes some sense?

Small towns become like families and everyone needs to Try to get along even when bad stuff happens..and we all know that is part of life too…

I’m just hearing that our subconscious drives what we manifest. The example the lady on JJ Virgin’s Miracle Mindset program ad was saying ‘If you think the rich are horrible then you will attract that and you won’t allow yourself to get wealthy…” Talk about synchronicity.. and see TheSyncMovie.com from Time Is Art online. Many key websites to check out such as www.350.org, and No Lies Radio.

“Love, Peace, Joy and Gratitude” are the highest vibrations which we can aspire to. Like energy attracts like energy…if you put out positive you will get positive.. That is The Secret message and again the speaker I am listening to is talking about, similar to Edgar Cayce’s readings which are summarized in the book Why Your Life Is the Way It Is. Okay, time for some sleep, and good dreams..may you have the same, clear and free.

