We need to live and learn (vote and work, talk and walk in our lives) in ways to make that kind of country a reality, starting with caring for Ourselves and Others in a Balanced Way! Now former talks are available from humanity’s team for a fee, but new ones usually are free for that 2-day period, so get a friend on FB or otherwise to help you feel connected to this awesome ongoing outreach.
I took notes last time and hope to share bits and pieces as I can. That’s a win-win (I learned the info and have notes and then have something inspiring to share, which I will give them credit for.) In terms of Crafting our Futures together, consider that people give from 15% of their usable assets (cash, credit card). Over the next decade and beyond, the 85% of the assets people have who are leaving this earthly realm will go to others (whatever is not spent on their care).
Why not endeavor to join some non-profits which can be beneficiaries of some of that if they are a 501c3 and encourage donors in a persistent but low-key one line reminder way that they can leave gift to your organization (church, school, non-profit, arts group etc).
The more assets we keep in a local circuit the greater the impact the assets can have. There is information on all of this online but sometimes we need to get the ball rollling to get more people curious and confident that they can be movers and shakers. AS the Pope shared with school children in Harlem, Martin Luther King Jr and many others have conceived of much, with some of the greatest efforts beginning with A Dream.
What is your dream for yourself and your family and friends? How about for wider circles of your community? If you are well-off might there be ways to partners with others less fortunate whether near or far away? The mission Hearts of the Father based in the Great Barrington area of MA with a family who lost three children in a car accident over twenty years ago has promoted many humanitarian efforts in Uganda, particularly with educating youth.
A school in CT has recently helped them make a new school over there, linking the youth in ways that can be very meaningful to both countries. All children are ambassadors from heaven (or the spiritual realm) coming anew to our plan-it heart. Are we ready to receive them? Take a moment and try this simple exercise to focus in and relax one’s heart area.
Breathe as though you have a large mouth in your chest area, that breathes in and out of your lung and heart area directly. This can be done with your eyes closed or open, when sitting down or even when standing or walking outside, ideally for a few minutes or more a day. Tune into what your heart desires, what would make your feel secure, happy, kind (to yourself and others).
David Adelson (on youtube) shared that idea with me and it’s helpful whenever I can remember to try it. I also ask for blessings from the divine each day when I can remember before I open my eyes (that’s www.drsha.com) and more Christian based prayers for healing, forgiveness (Dr. Sha also says these two go together…so worth a visit to his site. A similar message from Edgar Cayce on www.are.org and Rudolf Steiner) link honesty, care, forgiveness and fair play with good health. Doctors are not trained to think along these lines. The media portray more of a car repair mindset with keeping the body up and running in medical dramas or the ER programs.
The seeds we plant grow as they are cared for over time on a daily basis, some say on an hourly or shorter time period. Anyone may have stories or ideas spin through their mind (fleeting thought) but the intentions we have and the efforts we make to carry through with the kinder inclinations generally pan out rather well…as very good ROIs (returns on investments).
Okay, need to wrap up for now and partake of this lovely fall day in the TRY-Corner area… many fundraisers to pick from such as at NECC in Millerton NY on Silver Mountain, Library Galas and Auctions (DM Hunt Library in Falls Village and Norfolk CT), Fairview Hospital Gala at Mahaiwe in Great Barrington MA and a simple Contra Harvest Moon Dance in Sheffield MA–all this on Sat, Sept 26th, 2015..but likely much more to come in the area and at the local Warner Theatre in Torrington CT and Colonial Theatre in Pittsfield MA.
Back to the Humanity Team Info:
Turns out some A-Maze-Sing people (including Barbara Marx Hubbard..think Ol’ Mother Hubbard went to her cupboard to get her poor friends some inspiration and when she got there, she had no reason to fear, the internet was booming with wisdom for all to hear!!) See-rioUSly, though, we can tune in by internet or telephone to get the great ideas being shared about Meta-Civics and tapping into our creative selves individually and “you’re gonna love this’..
Collectively, and for FREE on the day of the call and for 48 hours or anytime for $10 bucks a month (Which gives one more talks from earlier). I sat and listened to hours of these talks and took notes which I’d love to share if I can find those notes and time to do so. But for now, hope you can tune in with a friend (and even a child may be interested.) Go to their site www.humanitysteam.org or look up Barb’s site on google. The number I got was for CT or a main number and the time would be 1pm since it’s at 10 on the West Coast. Everybuddy deserves to feel valued, included and inspired!
More ideas on the last post, but I didn’t succeed in finding Ralph Nader’s list of 25 things to do on the Huffington Post. I’ll keep googling and hope you will to. See more of www.drsha.com for great simple healing ideas and sounds..I find that helpful as I care for people in various places and keep up with details (or even get involved with my dreams where I sometimes get to speak my mind more freely to people I haven’t even met yet! Try it as an acting exercise and take time to write letters saying (confessing or otherwise getting something Out and off your mind by allowing your thoughts and feelings to flow freely.. anything you want..but mind you may as well make an effort to burn those safely or toss them in far-away garbage if they’d make you liable.. just sayin’…