Happy Birthday this month (of May 2017 which happens to be mine and many friends, but really it could be Any Month of Any Year since about 9 million share any given day and times 30, 270 million each share a Month. See other posts on ways to celebrate each year of life along one’s birthdate terms.)
So Happy Birthday to everybuddy in the US-All coast to coast and N, S, E and W (in the world) and for the rest of the year too. When we join the get-together here on earth some say we ‘incarnate when born, maybe with our first breath.”
This post is super long,s o only read if not driving or trying to stay awake…and some touchy topics are raised, so not for the weak of heart in terms of thinking about end of life and burial etc.
That sounded very weird to me at first (and only heard of it in the past year or so, but the overall idea that we could inhabit out bodies spiritually from conception (a Tibetan monk shared was their view, as it seems is the Judeo-Christian view and likely many others…Or somewhere in the first weeks, months or much later as in during or even after birth–I’ve heard up to a year…)
So To Think “What IF” one of those scenarios is the case, how would we feel about Our Existence as not only an individual but also as part of a the web of humanity (with biological parents, whose ‘master stem cells’ energetically influence our being, according to Julie Renee, especially at a week after conception.
Again many aspects of our collective experience to consider Energetically, Genetically (some say our DNA is not just a physical recipe for our physical and mental abiliTies but also carry Memories from our ancestors and even our own being –if we lived hundreds of lifetimes
Many say we had to learn a LOT (from even earlier life forms such as algae, plants, frogs and birds, cats and cows, etc, perhaps Being Each of those and picking up how-to-survive and thrive, eat and socialize lessons that carried over to inform our next form. ) Alliances may have been key in terms of reincarnating over millenia with many of the same folks, so again, someone whose my child may have been my parent earlier.
That same Tibetan monk (I happened to see at Fair Acre Farms in P’keepsie) clued me in also that generally they believe souls come back immediately after dying (as in enter a fertilized human egg–generally in the birth mother, but as we know it could be surrogate mother or test tube.) The Possibilities are ‘endless’ and Geowuza,Edgar Cayce, Rudolf Steiner and many others seem to ‘fill in the gaps’.
Modern folks like psychics Mark Anthony, Patti Sinclair, Bill Phillips and many others all indicate there is So Much to Consider..and YET our entire educational, medical and social systems seem to be based on demanding collective denial or prevention of sharing these ideas even as helpful creative thinking and inquiry for calming or informing our human experience. How many criminals would think twice about doing a crime if they heard of karma to the point they might suffer what they deliver (or their loved ones or kids later in their genetic line…All Possibilities I’ve heard.)
How many people would Slow Down when driving if again considering They may be putting in an order linked to speeding if now then later? It seems survival demands we stay in the fast lane and become consumers to the hilt. But that tide is changing now to be more about group survival on the planet since we realize the natural resources of water, air, earth and even sky (or oil, gas, coal etc), plants, animals, fish and birds, All are Interconnected. Some have said The Sixth Extinction will be the oceans becoming lifeless like a huge parking lot. Again, denial reigns and excuses are made for why we are not given time to think through major transformations we could all make, particularly the corporate businesses which are 70-80% responsible for the Troubling Patterns.
The countries around the world have to get their acts together, yet more people are fearing ‘the New World Order’ is going to gain ground and hasten the demise of many people’s existence. Most women are silenced around the world historically and even currently. Likely many more women have to rise up like proverbial healing spirit women in many cultures and Spell Things Out in Plain Language, then Plant Gardens of Food and Gathering and Teaching Places where Everyone can Feel Included, Safe, Provided for and Celebrated as Meaningful TEam PLayers and Gardeners on our One Shared Planet Heart and Earth.
This is not an easy transition to make and claim as a necessity not a luxury, but that’s what it is. If we do meet an early demise due to wars or magnetic pole shifts, fake UFOs (see Steven Greer for his decades of research and warnings) and more, then hopefully Spiritually We Will Be Okay. Learning about the options on The Other Side can be helpful to actually transition when the time comes, and may make our experience over thar more comfortable and friendly feeling. If we cling to the physical, material and social world we know only as mortal people on earth, we may not suddenly become enlightened once we begin to cross over or are officially ‘expired’ ( the medical term of dead) or as the Hu folks say ‘transformed or transitioned…’
How Long it takes for a person’s spirit to fully leave their body is not even clearly discussed or considered. There is Brain Dead (no sign of brain activity on a CAT scan for instance..), then there is Heart Dead (heart has stopped beating)
Then there’s the time after there is no brain or heart activity from a period of hours to days when the body becomes stiff (rigor mortis) and other changes happen (body loses heat so becomes cold and skin color can change from lack of oxygen and so on.) THEN there is the process of the Spirit ‘packing up and lifting off’ so to speak, which Rudolf Steiner says can take 3 full days.. so why not wait 4 days (or even a week if people have the means to do that, but likely 4 days would suffice.
Direct burial at that time (or sooner as the Jewish custom often is within 24 hrs) would not require the body to have treatment to prevent decay. Perhaps a cold water tub with a plastic liner on top could be used to keep a body intact and not decaying as well.
Cremation can lead to more pollution in the air and on the earth, so more ‘green burials with no treatment of the body’ is being promoted to return something to the earth and not contribute to its demise.
These are Not Easy Topics or Discussions for most people, so I will put this in another post on my blog and put a heads-up at the beginning. So with that more support people for everyone to have a better understanding of end-of-life matters and really about life and our mysterious beginnings is in order.
That will mainly happen online, in the media and with people sharing their experiences of having people pass from their lives, and maybe ‘hearing from them’ or thinking of them in special ways from time to time whether planned or being open and aware that can happen.
Again it can be Much Easier to accept these ideas and try them out well in advance of anyone actually dying in one’s family or close circles. The overall message is that our loved ones in spirit want us to feel at peace and be accepting of the turn of events that may have led to their passing or with their absence once they’ve ‘gone or transitioned or died.”
Even if we have questions and work to do to understand matters more in depth, that could be done with support and many people collaborating such as has happened with the Black Lives Matter movement. We are getting our act together to face life on life’s terms with knowledge and compassion and power.
Those may be the spiritual lessons we had signed on for Before we got here or chose along the way whether moved by inspiration or going through tough times (much Like I did and many in my circles when my teen son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton passed on 6-16-09.
His memorial service is on youtube and Remembering Kaelan Alexander on my blog recounts more of what I went through at that time of his heroic but difficult passing. He saved two friends then tried to help a third from a dangerous river.
That lad was saved by a rope rescuer so do not give up hope and Do Trust in G-d not only when all seems hopeless but also that You can Make Some Plans and Expect people to Cooperate Fully especially when teens or others who like to take risks are involved but also during times of change of schedules. Trusting kids is important and our society lacks guidance for parents to really put some good plans in place to Keep TRack of kids every day, hour to hour and so forth.
We can solve a lot by Voluntarily having Parenting Plans for All parents, regardless of living arrangements and legal ties. What a novel idea…and we would plug all parties into the matrix of Caring for One Another in Responsible Practical ways.
Many people appreciate free programs, meals, rides, classes and social groups. So we need A Ton of those and don’t need to wait for the schools or government to lead the way.
The regulations can be daunting from conception to death and burial but the idea of Caring for People and Providing Basics can be the New Team Sport. Creating new venues like faith groups to use voluntarily to address conflict and spell out human rights, boundaries and laws to inform everyone could save more people endless conflict. Annual reviews of more of physical and mental and social and life well-being could provide timely early interventions and Save People much pain and suffering.
Thanks for tuning in and taking time to relax and enjoy each day even for a few minutes at a time, mini-breaks, for instance. Getting a good nights’ rest is a great investment, like putting big bucks in the bank. So get rich by sleeping well, you will feel like a Million Bucks!
Don’t over-exercise or over eat, over worry or over do it. Check out some 12 -step open meetings to learn more and before you or a loved one needs it. Plan to review terms of any relationship with written terms with a friend and then the person one is in the relationship with. Have a ‘reasonable way’ to transition if a temporary controlled separation is needed.
That too could save people much stress, worry and legal expense or court time if needed.Suddenly life and death may not seem so complicated when realizing what people face as adults or making a living, raising kids and more. The brave and faithful show up on this planet ready to learn not only about a physical body but spiritual growth…how are we all doin’?