This Sunday May 14th, 2017 finds the United States (and maybe other countries since we are very international online and good ideas catch on and people travel and have connections around the world) it’s Mother’s Day! Some people have knowledge and social connection with biological mother, surrogate mother, and grandmothers (and even great grandmothers…) or adopted or foster Moms, step-mothers and others who ‘fill the bill.’ Everyone likely has a much deeper energetic connection with any of those women and people in their lives who physically or practically served in those roles (this would include egg donors too and Their families historically).
The karmic, ancestral and energetic connection is what I would like to ‘light a candle and acknowledge for All of Us.” Maybe those Mother-Connection human beings have journeyed on ahead of us, and yet maybe are still influencing our lives (mistyped as livers, but even that Could be the case. Maybe they are helping us tune into our deeper, grassroots selves whether based on our ethics and values or our body parts that don’t meet the eye.
Actually livers are likely linked to our lives more than we have previously understood. From what I’ve heard on the internet I think from Dr. Alan Christianson or the Diabetes Summit folks, The Liver is the Giver of Help for Regulating Blood Sugar More than the Pancreas! IF the Liver is Functioning Properly then the pancreas is not needed to save the day by putting out more insulin.
Look up One Drop and other Diabetes information sites on the internet Google search engine. I just learned that ideally we would have an Under 5.0 reading for our A1C (which is an average blood sugar and does not need to be measured with a fasting blood sugar test and does need to be done by more than a finger prick, so Talk To Your Doctor.) None of this is to be taken as medical or legal advice. I am sharing the jist of what I have learned and hope to get people Thinking for Themselves and Considering Preventing Many Conditions that too often are not indicated as problematic until more full-blown.
The Reasons for that May be to Make Money (Who ever heard of such a thing as Legal or Ethical? Apparently there are many Gray Areas when it comes to Grey’s Anatomy or Gray Matters of the Brain and Body…and Those Two things are More Intimately Connected than Ever Allowed to be Contemplated by Modern Science in the Public Realm.) The book Divided Mind by Dr. John Sarno was recommended to me by a hip 30something athletic fellow whose had allergies and asthma and other conditions that he feels may have been irritated by deeper mixed feelings about his life and even current relationships.
Rather than suffer without a clue, another friend of his who had become addicted to pain meds and fortunately had heard of the book from Howard Stern, told him about The Book (Dr. Sarno’s–which came after his Healing Back Pain and another.) I think Howard Stern met or read that for back pain and has turned a million people onto the idea, (okay that May be an exaggeration, but I want to share the notion that it could become common knowledge very quickly that our Emotions (and Hidden Emotions, or Unconscious Beliefs and Feelings from the Past as well as the present..which could include, did you guess, Worries about the Future and dreams and maybe even what people we live with or near (yes, even neighbors and local and other inputs from the media that we take into our thinking or dreaming lives…or livers.
Maybe we are not only about being Believers in a spiritual aspect of life but whatever we ‘Be’ we “Live” so we are Be-Livers..and that is what out Livers Will Be. (Recall that song, whatever will be, will be. Yeah, that may hold more than a grain of truth. It could be The Code for How Our Lives (and at a base level, our Livers, Work.)
As go our livers, so go our lives via our blood sugars and endocrine or glandular system and hormones and all that jazz. Why pour alcohol into our fragile human ecosystems when that is a sure-fire way for many to throw the blood sugar levels, and get other systems out of whack. (Sorry for the technological terms.) I often think Mechanics could be the Winning Nutrition and Fitness Gurus of the day since they could compare out Bodies to Machines and appreciate what it takes to have a smooth running engine (organs and glandular systems, circulation, heart and lungs) and fuel (that’s the food and even the Maintenance of good rest and positive social interactions and Not too much stress. Somehow society drops the ball when it comes to pacing the stress to get to success.
It seems a pedal to the metal kind of human race to get a medal of success when really if we are in overdrive we can burn ourselves out. Now that doesn’t mean being lazy and looking at the daisies all day. Yet taking mini-breaks to Do Just That, get horizontal (ease up the blood pressure), or sit up straight and havea Calm Mind and take some relaxing breaths can help us be open to The Present (the name of another good book.) What Are You Chasing In Life is another cool book I hope to look up as well as others I’ve shared on this blog.
Some by Ruth Montgomerty, Edgar Cayce, Rudolf Steiner (his book Staying Connected is one I’ve thumbed through to ponder the ways we may be informed and still in touch with loved ones in spirit.) John Edward’s One Last Time and books by Marc Anthony and Bill Phillips also highlight Theories and their experiences of tuning into the other side. Same with Geowuza and a host of others and tradtions who indicate ‘we ain’t seen nothing yet’ if we think the world and our human bodies are only physical.
“Seeing the world with new eyes” is an idea that came to me when learning about permaculture. To what extent does your world view (or even physical view of the world” shift depending on what you see literally outside your window or when you go outdoors, explore your neighborhood or other new settings? Who do you notice, and how do you feel in one place on earth versus another?
When thinking about one’s live and world, whether you believe or entertain the Possibility that you may not know everything or see everything that is influencing can help one stay aware of The Bigger Picture and by in sync with other forces trying to help you achieve your soul’s goals or intentions for that day.
Some say that is the case whether you are working with a kind, positive mindset or a negative one or something in-between (worry, doubt, indecision… all places I tend to visit more than I think I meant to. Those could be Indicator lights that my kidneys, liver or other organs are –unbalanced or out of whack (that’s the Chinese medicine view whether the 5 Element system that considers the aspects of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Metal that influence our bodies and personalities or other forms.) Any of these ideas can be helpful to learn about to achieve better health not only ponder ways to avoid serious drugs or surgery to address disease and pain.
Mostly people only go to the doctor when it’s serious (and if they have health insurance.) The Barefoot Doctor of China practice was all about helping people stay healthy and functioning since they did not have quick fixes over the past couple thousand years and people needed to work. The “pay to play’ motto referred to maintain your health to stay in the game of life.
Too often we may not have anyone encouraging to Take Good Care of Ourselves so We Can Take Care of Others from a Place of Fullness and Optimal Funtioning on All Levels Rather than Pushing the “Pedal to the Metal” and Wearing Ourselves Out maybe even while we are ‘Still Smiling on the Outside but maybe silently crying, or crumbling emotionally an often physically on the inside’.
So this does pertain to Mother’s Day and every time we have a Birthday, to think of how far we’ve come since we were babies (newly arrived human beings, maybe incarnating with that first breath if not at conception or somewhere along the line of growth in the womb or shortly after birth or even longer. I cover those ideas a bit more in Other Posts.
For now, I will put this in park (so I can begin enjoying my Birthday Weekend, when I turn 54 on May 14th –sharing that date with Mark Zuckerberg too so a Shout Out to him and the FB crew for all the good they do at bringing folks together though we do need to watch that the tables are not turned on us for being socially connected) also, since I was born in 1963 and can still do math). It’s Very Cool to Feel I Get A LifeLong Wish of Wanting to Bring People TwoGather with a Sense of Friendship by having my birthday land on Mother’s Day.
Not that I could have planned it that way, but apparently maybe I did. Technically I was born ‘two weeks late’ at 42 weeks gestation (in the womb), so I could have been a May Day baby, but then I would have missed this rather cool synchronicity. I know others have told me sometimes it lines up with another mother-focus day..and some say the great mother energy is what we all need to allow ourselves to honor to bring balance to the great father line of thought that has gotten hugely imbalanced by our interpretation of power and might makes right. Love and kindness will see us through and being nurtured by nature and being a part of nature, not apart from nature and the healing, divine energies that connect US-All. (For an extra goodie bag treat from this birthday, Mother’s Day post, see Steven Greer’s Disclosure and Unacknowledged on youtube or Netflix and Consider the Possibilities. Same with and David and on youtube for healing ideas. Also softer helpful ideas on Jennifer McLean and You Wealth Revolution and Humanity’s Team.) Why not share a few of your ideas and resources as part of your ‘you-celebration and connection’ next time your birthday or any inspiration rolls around. A lot of people doing a little something positive or not being as stressed can help shift many conditions. Seeing groups perform in the midst of workaday school or business programs often lifts everyone’s spirits. Even doing any task with more gratitude for one’s health and abilities and ways to connect with others simply by one’s presence or a kind word or hello or look can create nice ripples in the ‘jello that connects everything’ (according to Katherine Miller of who shared that as a playful idea in a Toastmasters Talk one day.)
My mom, Mary Palmer Sr– a mother of 12 singles (no twins…)– would answer the phone with a friendly “Jello” instead of “Hello” so maybe She is chiming in here as I’ve added this extra note. “Jello Mom and other loved ones in heaven, Dad, Dale, Kaelan and many more, Who I’ve heard are all ‘doing fine on the other side, are wanting us to enjoy our lives and take it easy…
“We are mostly trusting that’s the way things roll and yet want to make sure we find ways to take a moment to thank you for all you gave each of us while walking the earth and whatever sparkles and help you are sending our ways now. In God’s grace, timing and peace we can hold one another’s presence in our hearts, minds and souls… and ‘that’s good medicine’ and can ease some of the basic human condition unrest or growth challenges we each likely face as part of our soul’s schooling and mission to become more empathetic if not empathic and psychic.
I wish everybuddy in my family tree upline (ancestors) who contributed to my existence and the divine players as well coaching and hosting me as they may to incarnate at this time on earth and evolve with love (mostly and plenty of struggle modes along the way) to the point where I dared to care and share My Life Story as I could so far on this blog…and rock the boat a little along the way if needed to help US-All think a little more along the lines of fair play and team work, greater good and greater love to keep evolving on all levels and paying the blessings (and hard-won lessons) forward to friends in this age and those folks (little Oaks ready to re-forest and re-green Planet Heart Earth.) Love to those above too and many thanks for taking time to care for your sweet sElf and Others in a balanced way and be open to ask for help as needed and pray for a brighter day for the one and the many..people, planet and universes…