When answering a FB question, this is what I put..I’ve reflected on this more than most since I have the time and inclination to do so. Also in Canaan CT there is a huge flag hung from a crane with volunteers reading the names of all those who transitioned that day from their earthly mortal journey. I met a nice priest there who has since died so I think of him as well. When I have time, I’ll add more, but for now, think of where you were that day and how your life was going. Were there troubles you were not aware of in your circles of family, friends and community? How might we learn to plan for safety more than not and think in open-minded ways (or Round Square paradigms such as Marvelwood School in Kent Ct promotes for greater mutual respect and learning.)
Take a walk and look UP and say a healing prayer in your own way to have more peace about the past and ask forgivenes for anything one may have done to contribute to anyone’s downfall, known or unknown people, intentionlly or not. There’s time to ponder, pray and appreciate the gifts of life and our human journeys. Now back on the morning of September 11th, 2001, I was in Sharon CT asking someone to not argue because the world may be in the midst of some big problem though I didn’t understand it for sure. I thought a small plane had hit a fire watch tower in our hilly parts of northwestern CT. I had taken our daughter to an appointment and worried about her going to school but she really wanted to get there.
Still, I didn’t comprehend the enormity of what had happened..some plane hitting a building but mostly thought there was a traffic delay. I did not see any television that day and later in a yoga class had a friend quietly show a calm sense of praying that they be at peace, but still I had no idea of the numbers. She has since passed from cancer so I think of her today too, especially when I’ve been able to view the lovely mountains in Millerton she lived among and the many things she showed me about simple relaxation, quieting the breathing and mind, doing diligent care and eating well, taking time to show support and work collaboratively for good efforts, helping moms and kids and much more…
I heard a plane may have gone over our town (much after the fact). I was having a not-so-good, very-bad day such that I did not talk to many people (you know that was a serious day for me). I did meet someone who couldn’t get back to NYC from Millbrook and she looked like an African princess. We talked for an hour but we didn’t know what happened. I didn’t actually see the events on TV until 11pm when I happened to go to what’s now Harney’s Tea in Millerton after a movie. Maybe I was the only person who hadn’t caught up with the news but like I said, life was looking rather bleak and ironically, it only got worse overall when we had our own “9-11” when Kaelan ended up crossing over on 6-16-09.
Expect the Unexpected by Bill Phillips may add some insight to such things as do many who say our earthly lives may not actually end-end but rather may roll over into a new life (same soul, different bodies/roles etc..yet maybe Some of the Some Players we need to work things our with, or choose to in terms of karma..so why not Consider the Possibilities of That?) Maybe fewer people would seek to harm others if they knew there really is ‘no getting away with it’…such ideas and more practical ones (like reading Oil and Honey by Bill McKibben I’ll post on www.livfully.drupalgardens.com But thanks for starting a thread about this pivotal moment and let’s find more ways to remember than to ‘forget and go on with our lives as per usual…’