To take a walk in nature or on a walking trail it can be peaceful and inviting…maybe a nice place to have walks for causes to keep folks safe…too often people in groups for many good causes like the annual late September Crop Walk at the high school in Falls Village Ct don’t remember basic street crossing safety and take chances, thinking the whole area is aware that they are ‘on a walk to raise money for hunger locally and globally’.

.It’s not just younger kids (or crossing, even the whole walk, cars have the right of way), sometimes adults feel entitled to ‘do their own thing’ and lead a group across when the light is green (with no pressing reason, just feeling eager to finish their journey.)

In general, country kids and adults need more help understanding walking in cities, or travelling there with guidance the first few times, learning about subways (even trains, as in don’t get on one unless you are travelling on it and don’t let others get on without you if they can’t navigate the train alone.

. Also don’t put one’s stuff on the train or self without being with it. Not as likely, but I’ve seen a few of these things occur.Same goes for driving safely (don’t speed, be distracted, run red lights, and drive in bike lanes or on one way streets the wrong way, or go without monitoring if you are in a risky phase of life–much older (people should have vision and response assessments, etc on a regular basis at any age), and of course on meds, with a condition that compromises one’s driving and lots more…which I blog about as wel