After listening to dozens of talks over the past year about ‘what to do to get the party started’ with blogs and businesses online, I realize it don’t mean a thing if you can’t remember what you wanted to do. I Had to Switch my first blog over or lose it altogether. Yikes. Thankfully I pulled through with help from savvy people after I noticed my email warning (Thanks for that at least, Drupal Gardens…I’ve heard of FB break-ups, but blog-busting? Don’t you know ‘these are like our babies…”well, obviously not all that, but Important to plenty of us writing and even those reading…).
So then I got the intel that Bluehost could Accept Drupal (and it needed lots of convincing from a savvy computer wizard, so again to any who missed that ship, my apologies…You do matter and are worth it.
Best to find ways to back everything up to a hard drive. How’s that for talking tech? Now Bluehost comes at a price, and I think I put a few hundred dollars into it which I thankfully had because that’s not always the case..sad but true, but keeps me real and able to relate to most people on plan-it heart. But I wanted to get to a Free Hosting Site..and heard WordPress would work. I would need to transfer every post over one by one. Oh, Joy! I likely will try to hire someone to help me with that lovely task.
Then I heard is a cool forum and helps promote or allow more suggestions for articles and such to share with others (people pick their interests, or I’m not sure what, but heard from savvy compwizard that would be a good site..) I started a site on Medium but need to get in the habit of going There instead of here (so I won’t have to transfer these posts…) When and how I will Really Do that is something I’ll review with Sir Savvy.
Okay, now I am putting a link to post I wrote on wordpress who another competent computer person set me up with. Still I will need to transfer old posts to it as well. But At Least I’m learning and remembering..not bad for a Big Bird in her 50s as 2020 approaches. There’s a learning curve even for ‘easy peasy’ computer stuff…it’s the fear and the wonderment of it all, the crashes and the little fees or ‘what we don’t know we don’t know’ stuff that may keep us plugged into land line phones and televisions..I still have yet to really get a Netflix movie up and running by myself.
Not proud of that, and maybe This will be the month for that, now that I am settling into big city living and finding a pace to my day, theoretically. I have even braved taking Coursera, Social Media Marketing but learning IBM Bluemix is another running with my shoes tied kind of venture..and it’s costing me 50/month to stay in That Game for the 5 months I can use the Bluemix for 1500 dollars with of apps etc.
Okay, time to post and hope this Inspires You to Get Some Help to Put an Idea our there in Cyberspace..You can always post a little something here and see how that feels, even with an alias (fake name, same for using FB, can use one too if going public when you don’t want to be known…I finally set one of those up too.)
While I’m at it other free good online resources are for budgeting (even watching how much you spend on line which can be Way too super easy with the Click of a Button…and so many offers. Have a deal you Talk to a Real Friend or Other person who will hold you accountable..and Yes, I am Trying to do that Too…and Should have a Clear Budget for All this Jazz.
livI have invested in the Suzanne O’Brien programs from and will use that in work caring for people even with online consults with Skype etc (and Yes, I already have That account. I can call anywhere to a phone for a few dollars a month rather than only to another cell or computer. I have people I check in with daily and otherwise, plus don’t live alone so I’m fairly clear about my own ‘keeping track of myself, my routines and support people’ as I will be coaching others (and yes, Y’all too) to do sooner rather than later. Okay, on that merry note amidst times when many in the South are facing harsh weather and the aftermath of storms, stay safe and think day, one task, one adventure at a time!
Joining Together at (and as I move posts over this way)