Having been to a few of the annual times of remembrance at this church (formerly called St. Josephs’s, I had not seen this aspect of it (the morning firing of a small cannon, as posted Live on FB by Brian Ohler, who is a House Representative and active community member who started the Northwest Corner Chatter that has over 3K members and is a closed FB group at this time.)
The small cannon firing, the bells ringing, the bag pipes playing all round this stone church with the valiant crimson doors is a special way to pay tribute tragic turn of events our country faced.
The times of gathering in the church and while the names of all the victims who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001 are read by volunteers, much like they are at the site in NYC, sets a model for the importance of remembering and learning from history and the lives of those who no longer walk the earth in their mortal form.
The realm of honoring, inquiry and sharing is left to the living, yet views of a spiritual life which can connect and inform our growth and understanding on many levels.
What may seem a ‘pointless cause’ of wondering what may have happened during historic events we thought we understood may be critical to avoiding future damaging events to human lives, the economy, and our natural resources and planet. See NoLiesRadio.org for more insights into possible alternative theories about Pearl Harbor as well as 9/11. Steven Greer on youtube paints an important picture of what we need to know now about ‘star wars’ kind of false flag events. It’s all important to consider as possibilities.
We need to think and live and inquire as team players to have all of our best shots at understanding our current situations, informed by the truth of the past, to chart our next course of action.