Who’s been tossed about by the wind these past few days in New York City, US-All? How about drenched with rain? Hopefully we’ll be spared any big surprises from the skies for a mellow Halloween with the Americana traditions of costumes and trick or treating and a few parties (and plays in the street). Good times roll in certain neighborhoods but sometimes the fun turns to frolic and too much dipping into danger, so try to bypass that to get yourself in decent shape to greet November. The 1st of November is All Souls Day in the Catholic and maybe a few other traditions. (though in Mexico the Day of the Dead acknowledges deceased loved ones for a day or more with special traditions..one would have to google since it’s getting to my bedtime…)

I did want to congratulate the array of presenters at the New Life Expo in NYC who showed up in style and with diligent outreaches, talks, products and inspiring messages as well as some sobering thoughts to keep in mind (that maybe we are not alone in ways we wish we were..as in without unfriendly beings or spirits in our universe. Mostly they say some insights and compassion can help keep a harmonious flow going.

ast year I got to see  Dr.Eric Pearl of The Reconnection. He has said in his book by the same name and often..no special water, jewelry, chants or clothes, music, food etc is needed to obtain health or wellness. There is a new frequency that can help one align with an inner guidance system (many are referring to such things as an inner GPS, such as Dr. Tiana who wrote Love’s Fire and has a website with healing ideas also.)

The list of people likely is online and the next even will be in March 2018, so stay tuned. I will highlight more when I can in the next week or so. Overall, some amazing ideas for healing ourselves..with help from thinking, believing or just being a certain way (mostly knowing and believing one has the health one wants, not that ‘it’s coming’ or “it might show up if one is lucky..’ etc. ) That remind me of the 7th Day Adventist talk I went to a while back in Great Barrington MA, and plenty of other teachings from Christian and other perspectives. Plenty say ‘new stronger healing energies are showing up on the planet and much is here to help us adjust to higher frequencies…” It’s all rather helpful to hear about a little at a time and consider as one can.

A simple tip from one longtime healer said to place a  fresh cup of water next to one’s bed each night  so that can act as a conduit for helping one ‘tune into one’s dreams’ and connec to Source. Then Do Not Drink That Water in the Am (have a separate glass or bottle of water is what I imagine would make sense for drinking.) I realize I’ve been doing exactly that for eons..so an interested to see ‘what happens or feels differently’ by just setting out a glass I Won’t drink (and covering the one I will.) I splurged on getting a copper water bottle to put water in which supposedly will make the water help my blood become more alkaline when I drink that water (a cup or two in the AM.) The Indian fellow (from India) who told me this (and yes, sold me the quality copper water bottle which will need rinsing out well with vinegar and water every two weeks, so I better mark my calendar or put it on my google reminder calendar) says he sells dozens of bottles at the fair every year for 15 years. I also spoke to a woman about my age who happened to be African American.

She said she felt it made a difference. The benefit would be gradual ( as it would also be from the copper bracelet I got for 10 dollars, a very good price for the quality he said.) Okay, so the bottle was about $35 and yes that’s a lot but I bought something more involved once (which I’m willing to sell with the filters I did not use so need to post that on FB soon, etc. ) Turns out the Pipe beneath our kitchen sink was corroded, so the idea that the water could use improving,even though some say the NYC water quality is great, was being affected by corroded pipes likely.

People at the fair were down on flouride, saying it can dissolve a tooth in two days, and overall may be linked to more problems down the road than one can understand when brushing their teeth (or their kids or getting a treatment which starts even a year old.) We did not give out kids those until later in life (more like age 8 or so if then, and it was nothing their Dad was for.) One word shared about vaccines is that a mother having had vaccines may not be hard on her, but it likely will put her child at greater risk for some complication when the child has the MMR ( something in the carrier of that I think…)

Christopher Macklin has many years of experience seeing the energy and understanding the interactions of many factors, some ‘beyond this world.’ He shared that ‘physical things’ could be extracted from people..that our bodies can be used and manipulated by other entities or perhaps with mind control. Steven Greer likley would have some added insights as would Linda Moulton Howe but they were not at this event..likely they’d have their own weekends that would get packed (and do from the Youtube talks I’ve seen.)

Okay, so along with the idea of addressing health, Geozuwa has many positive ideas (see www.InfiniteSourceHypnosis.com) to help with Any Kind of Distress or Ailment or Desire to Improve one’s Life. I read his book The Other Side (Visit Now) and it’s an inspiring account of his life and quest for greater understanding and ability to get answers from unusual places. He does healing work tireless, as does Christopher Macklin, who say we’d be doomed if some people did not try to help with a vigilant warrior effort. That may not help us sleep easily at night but in case Weird Stuff Happens (Really weird, not just miserable life weird..) then it’s nice to know there are people who could help one understand the possibilities and ways to address that.

Mostly people were saying ‘we all incarnate to try out being human in better ways than in the past…’ even if we are tempted and seemingly paired with people we’d never think we Chose, they are here to teach us lessons. I asked a few of these folks if that weren’t the case for communities too perhaps, that we evolve as we did with the Civil Rights movement and more recent social-political networking to have a world that reflect humane values.

I think the idea was possibly but we are very much responsible they said for our own journey. I feel for women and children, that process would be aided if there were greater ways to validate them as human beings… and of course for men to find ways to understand the tremendous effort generations of women have put in of giving of their independence and time and life energy ‘without pay’ to nurtuer others.

Now women can do paid caregiving (and yes some men will step into the unpaid caregiver role…maybe to help that gender understand and see more fully what that looks like and how that might feel.) Same goes for those who have children versus those who do not. It’s Really Hard to be a Biological Parent, Grandparent, Relative or Dedicated Caregiver of a Child, more than one,another person or even of a pet. If someone is Truly Single and Independent, there’s less of a demand or expectation on their time and energy to ‘provide for’ another person.

There are drawbacks and yet there are more groups doing the kind of networking to help people feel they can step into a role. Some foster care and adoption situations work out well, but again there can be aspects of those systems, such as covered in a New Yorker article not too long ago which can be troubling. When people cannot afford housing, should they be at greater risk for losing their children? Too often that is the case. Maybe we could try on the idea that if people don’t have a home they at least deserve to have a family! More sponsorships and networks likely could clear up a large portion of the pressing problems often linked to rising costs of housing and living. I have heard that once ‘the powers that be’ decide something is reasonable and practical, everyone can get creative to address that issue and new solutions can emerge.

Often a strict law, such as allowing children to be placed for adoption if they are in foster care for 2 years (or the better part of that) accounts for a major drop in foster care or other change. Instead of having 50 K kids in foster care, for instance, there are now just less than 10K, with an increase of how many I am not sure in adoptions..but likely A LOT! Some of those can be kids who are not tracked or heard of again..and possibly put into dire situations of being trafficked, I have heard from other experts at other important gatherings… So again let’s try to help people, especially Pregnant Women, get the help, housing, nutrition and support they need to give birth to a healthy normal weight baby. That strategy can interrupt a downward spiral many homeless or poor women find themselves in I learned at a talk in Great Barrington MA about 5 years ago.

Okay so now it’s time to dream peacefully and wish everyone a pleasant week when October turns into November, with Daylight’s Savings having our clocks fall back again on an early Sun Am (again google for exact Sunday.. 1st or 2nd..) Peace and easy does it…Livfully

PS As a bonus someone told me about Debtors Anonymous which can be big help for budgeting (even before going to an Expo which is likley a Good Idea…) and learning to track and live within one’s means…until they increase nicely, then you can live within Those Means…(provided you have your savings for a rainy day and more I’m sure.)