When learning about the Pet Care to prevent cancer or treat cancer in a trailer from the Truth About Cancer Series by Ty Bollinger and others who have spent years interviewing experts and sharing the information of the processes of cancer, different treatment theories and strategies and ways of measuring and reporting results, my mind was open to hearing more.

Not everyone would be interested even though the information and route of inquiry is one of importance for everyone at this time. Some people need to know Who Exactly is reporting information (name, rank, serial number, level of education and qualified endorsements) before they will hear the highlights. Rather than assume someone of a certain level of education and interest would be relaying the information of an accepted source, the discussion will stop there.

Even when trying to get to the points that were made in terms of helpful theories such as ‘cancer rates may be reported to be decreasing but that may mean only getting people to live a few months longer and not necessarily in a comfortable manner..and often with difficult side-effects’, the conversation will be Stopped, Blocked and put on terms that the Boundary MUST Be Respected!

The Truth About Communication is that The Laws Are Coming When almost everyone will need to have ‘clearance’ to speak  with anyone about anything. We already see that in Health Care due to Privacy, and HIPPA which is intended to keep someone’s personal health information private. That likely will include not saying whether a person were at a doctor or hospital setting and of course, anything more that has to do with their condition, treatment, visitors and even whether they are still alive (if that were a concern.)

Some would say some of the Blockages, Boundaries and Manners in Which Those are Conveyed (in writing versus in person or on the phone or by text, etc even if in the same room or car, etc) could be a New Field of Inquiry. The parts of us that we feel we must Silence or that Cannot (and/or Must Not) be shared may be linked to the causes of some conditions, whether a pain or more serious condition or even an injury. It sounds ‘weirder than weird’ and not clear that we are making conscious decisions, but there likely is the whole realm of Unconscious Decisions and Not Wanting to Know things that Dr. Sarno and the late Louise Hay cover as do many other counseling and healing modatlities. The Barbara Brennan School of Healing is one to consider.

Then regardless of the causes or injuries, the Ways in Which those can be addressed Energetically or Telepathically are largely Unchartered Waters, save for a handful of offshoot inquiry groups such as The University of Arizona’s Integrative Medicine or The Reconnection by Eric Pearl. The techniques both old and new (and coming in all the time for instance as explored by You Wealth Revolution guests and others online who share ideas of our mortality and spirituality and the in-between lives stages of our energy and personality (many say we have a signature energy or personality that is determined largely by what we wanted to explore as aspects of the divine and that we are all connected…).

Likely each of us thinks like other people some of the time or acts the way some do at various times in our lives (give or take a thought versus words or actions…so it helps to aim toward becoming accepting of the many facets of the human range of emotions and thoughts while working to be more Conscious of what one is Choosing to do, say, communicate and take action on…

What sounds like being diligent and vigilant about doing with checking resources may be a shortcoming in having an open minded discussion or considering New Possibilitiies. If one has a dream, if ideas pop into one’s mind or are spurred by a story or experience, can they be factored into one’s thinking? Around the world, ‘primitive’ people often believed everything could speak to them or be helpful to them..plants, animals, other people, places, things, stories and so on. We seem to have missed that boat in the modern world..and may be trapped by the ‘mad scientists and slavemasters’ who have a winner take and own ALL to everyone’s detriment.

That’s just the beginning of what comes to mind. By all means if you can watch some of the series of The Truth About Cancer, take time to do so or see if a friend in your area bought  the series and get some highlights from them if you can’t watch it together…See the Change Here Now by Adam Brock book with ideas to network and socialize but do be aware of the laws in any area that govern who could be at risk for arrest or worse for communicating with others. Protective and Restraining Orders are for more serious cases, but likely someone who cuts others off from sharing since the information does not meet their standard is not a safe person to risk talking with in general or about anything of importance.

The violation of ‘speaking to someone who doesn’t want to be spoken to’ can be grounds for ongoing conflict. In such cases, it can be helpful to offer each other a 1st time, 2nd time and 3rd time warning that one does not to be spoken to and then to Leave the room. It is not legal to say ‘you cannot talk about a subject’ but it is legal to say ‘do not talk to ME about that or another subject.’ Once that is clarified, which may take a third party or patience by at least one party to understand What the issue is (the topic, the timing, the speaker, the overall theme, etc) then the person doing the speaking would be wise to stop.

The person who is the unwilling listener (whether for a minute or a few minutes or longer or at any point in time) Should Leave the Room, maybe without even saying they are donig so to clarify for themselves and the other person the talk is OVER (and not to be brought up again.) This kind of awareness is difficult for many and may take a few episodes, but hopefully each person can Clarify in Writing what one is saying, experiencing, and hoping to have change or be agreed upon.

There is a vast area of things that need clarifying and likely it can take a few practice rounds (ideally with Other People, neutral parties who could coach each person through the newly crafted terms of engagement.) Some factors such as ‘needing to create distance’ or ‘maintain one’s personal space’ can be harder to acknowledge but looking at underlying issues and patterns in one’s life may be helpful.

Taking the War Out of Our Words by Sharon Ellison could be a helpful book not only in communicating in personal and professional relationships but possibly in preventing cancer and other conditions. Jenn McLean’s Healing With the Masters and Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT) can also help someone learn to self-process (or do so with her book or a counselor).

The Option Dialogue Process by www.option.org is also a big help to tuning into the self-talk and ways people interact..and the more honest and clear one can be with one’s experiences in life, as it is safe and appropriate to relate to others, generally the healthier and more balanced one will be. Now off to the New Age Expo in NYC to learn what else people are doing for health and awareness at this overall time of growing in awareness, connections, peace and love and life..as in living fully and with greater appreciation for each person and aspect of our existence and our bigger world too.