When I was at an appointment waiting for two hours to be seen (unexpectedly but reasonably once they explain they overbook and take all who show up but often have many cancellations), I was listening to an hour of coverage about the sudden loss of six adults (and the serious injury of another eleven people) by a rogue ‘possibly terrorist-minded’ 28-year-old man in a rented Home Depot truck. At this time of day, I am listening to inspiring ideas on YouWealthRevolution.com but I got talking with another woman about my age regarding the tragic loss of life.
She commented, “There’s just too much hatred. People have to want to get along and not need everyone to be the same.” I heard POTUS, Donald Trump, say, ‘We need to not want diversity so much…and not want to be so politically correct.’ He also declared that the way this man got into the country from Uzbekistan was through a certain kind of lottery (maybe a diversity lottery which did not have as much vetting or maybe any vetting… I am not sure.) He basically said he’s seeking to close that down altogether.
I will think about the nuts and bolts of the politics another time. What came to mind when listening to the turn of events during the day on Halloween, October 31st, 2017 near three schools and not far from the Freedom Tower site, was that we need a way for people to register the wishes they would want for their care no matter where they die or get hurt on the planet (international agreements, then interstate agreements, and standing teams ready to assist with the compassionate care of anyone who is hurt or dies..not only during the episode and shortly thereafter, but for a few days afterward.
There are different opinions about what will assist one’s Spirit (or Soul) after the mortal body ceases to have brain activity, a heart beat and completely dies physically. Edgar Cayce and Rudolf Steiner are a couple of the people who have extensive ideas on these topics. I imagine the Tibetan Book of the Dead also is full of important considerations.
Some of Steiner’s recommendations are covered in a book by Nancy Jewel Poer called Living Into Dying. There is an idea the soul journeys to the orbit of the moon and meets up with loved ones from current and former lifetimes and advocates even from the angelic realm.
There is much more to ‘all of that’ but overall the idea is to reverence the people who are passing with spiritual support (uplifting thoughts, connecting with others in the spirit of supporting one another but also sending warm kind energy toward the departed one to assist them on their journeys. ) Learning that five of the people killed were men who were celebrating their 30th high school reunion and had come from Argentina was very surprising. That seemed ‘against the odds’ though they were riding their bikes I believe and ‘never saw the truck coming from behind them.’
I feel such an unusual set of people being the ones to die, from a foreign country, in the prime of their life and in great shape as well as in strong friendship is a bigger message for more people to reflect on deeply. Might there be an invitation for more of us to look around the world and find kindred spirits and causes, ways to support one another from the past (whether our grade schools or high schools…which I was thinking on recently of promoting in communities which are often in flux of growing and changing, so to honor the deeper connections among people who went to grade schools together as like extended family.
With Facebook there could be private pages or ways to connect or sites such as alumni.com can help any motivated group of people to honor their high school years and personalize and expand on natural networks. Ideally, women helping women and men helping men, with more groupings as may be appropriate (whether based on age, genders, orientation, relationship or parenthood status, caregiving or other aspects of life, working, not working for pay, being advocates and sharing resources, etc)
I have a whole post on helping people ‘clarify or identify’ who they are in a sociological way. I feel it can help people realize that is ‘one aspect of their being’ but that clearly everyone is much more than ‘their age, their gender, their relationships, their interests and so on…’ But it can be helpful to find more out about a population and seek ways to address concerns or promote networking.
My new friend (who will be a facebook friend) happened to be African American and have 6 kids..though one son almost 30 died of a reaction to a medication. As we spoke she showed me pictures of her lovely grandchildren, almost 6 of each..and some ‘grand-dogs’ who insist on being on her lap. When I asked by chance what her deceased son’s name was, she said, “Sonny.”
(I changed the nickname in case our circles connect, but I trust people will know if they happen to see a connection… and know I am giving them a cyber hug with a grateful heart for having heard from another mother and gotten a sense of lovely family that spans the country with talent, families and real life experiences.)
When I asked again to clarify she heard me, she repeated that and also said one of the dogs was named that. Her kids asked her if she minded and she was okay with that at the time and since. She loves the dogs like family. I had thought of doing something like that, and someone thought of entering Kaelan’s name in a contest for a dog to be named after a hero. That was touching, yet overall, it is ‘the thought that counts.’ I hope for anyone reading this they can take this into consideration for ‘just in case’ someone close to you passes, to be open to remembering the person in personal, natural ways.
The name on many people’s mind today was hearing of a fast-acting police officer, Ryan Nash, age 28 with five years of experience. I took a moment to let some of the gratitude being expressed for the the timely intervention that Ryan Nash and his police partner happened to make when thinking they were looking into an auto accident. The similarities to Kaelan Palmer Paton, our teen son having a recreational risky outing with his teen friends turned into an emergency.
The risk of lives emerged first for two of his friends who were caught in strong river currents, and then for another friend, after Kaelan had retrieved the first two whiles still on land. Adrenaline and drive, wanting to save someone or be able to get the help needed is difficult set of pressures to anticipate or plan for, yet one we likely need more video-trainings, drills and thorough thinking for not only individuals but also for pairs of people, groups and more. Maybe one person will need to keep one or more others from putting themselves in danger initially or make a timely call to an adult or police to alert others of impending danger.
That was a common theme in the lengthy talks given by Mayor De Blasio of NYC and Governor Andrew Cuomo..the Need to Work Together, to Anticipate Problems if there are signs or strong feelings that something is not safe or could be a problem whether on the roadways, subways, trains, sidewalks, in schools, stores, at work or at home. That last bastion could really be the first to review, yet more training is needed.
Let’s All keep the families, friends and communities of those who have crossed over at this time in mind..As Well As the Actual People Who Have Transitioned As Well…I saw a construction crew working and took some short videos. Then a coupe of older fellows came by who were working on that project.
We spoke for a bit and I mentioned it was good to record the sites as they were being built not just after they are done. That way we could appreciate the hard work it took to build. I also shared that my Dad was in construction and I feel connected to seeing the machinery and the project in process. I told them my Dad likely would be looking down on them and maybe give them a good idea. They appreciated that thought. As I walked away with a smile I felt maybe That was the wink from my Dad..having that moment to share.
Much of what transpired in our Brooklyn (and Manhattan) neighborhoods from what I heard today and on facebook, was about enjoying sharing community traditions for Halloween and touching base with the common struggles of keeping up with daily challenges, conflicts and Life! We ARE in this Together..and We ARE more than meets the eye when alive..and likely even after we journey on. Special hugs to friends whose elderly Mom passed from cancer up on CT.
Small communities come together as they can to support one another. Yet there are fewer people and sometimes only handfuls who do ‘the hard work’ of counseling, ministering, teaching and even parenting. When those types have a loss the ripple effect is felt likely in many ways, and hopefully the wider supports can come help them in timely ways.
May we all feel more connected in meaningful ways to the challenges and aspects of this latest set of events than we may realize initially. I am listening to the woman on the You Wealth Revolution that ‘We need to ask and be ready to receive what we truly desire.We also can reclaim our power (from all four directions, which some say represent our previous years of life…’ Karen and her pyramid, crystals is the woman…she said she learned from Darius and pursued healing work…
Circles of love and more hope for US All… Kaelan’s Memorial Service on youtube.com is in short segments and may be a way to listen with thinking of the five men and one mother from Belgium who died in the NYC truck episode…so remember loved ones as you can in various ways for three days after their passing. Consider reading something uplifting, or a fairy tale etc, as though the deceased are listening in to your silent reading… they just may be and it can be helpful, Rudolf Steiner suggests. Staying calm and kind-spirited can create greater waves of peace..