From FB posts I learned that CT has reinstated funds for Renters Rebate that had been cut recently..leaving people in a difficult position through the end of this year. I want to learn more details, but got thinking of whether this was really a ‘mistake’ initially to cut funds when they did or if there may be some other ‘wheeling and dealing’ going back on…creating a problem for another group of businesses to have a new set of clients or maybe to encourage them to leave the state for cheaper pastures. How can such ‘large mistakes or poorly planned events’ be dropped on so many from on high?
Thankfully some folks were able to secure the funds for now…but what about ‘tomorrow/ next time’…How much help can people find locally and in wider circles so they are not caught off guard or have other back up plans as needed? These things take more time than most realize and a crisis can bring on stress and challenges for many, so best to avoid that is possible…
When hearing some other states have elderly who are plagued with getting removed from their homes for any number of ‘reasons’ one has to wonder how we can protect each age group from the array of regulations that come with stiff consequences. An article in the New Yorker described a few ‘sunshine states’ where elders flock as particularly worrisome.
Families were not even informed when one couple was ‘taken from their home’ for highly questionable reasons. Thankfully for that couple their daughter was able to track them down and eventually the GAL who had power from the state to some extent was found out to be corrupt (and involving other institutions for referrals such as medical personnel.) Basically it’s Big Business and much of it prone to corruption. Not unlike many systems that on the surface are charged with monitoring and accountability.
Let’s hope this ‘oversight’ of not having funds in place for elderly as winter comes on was not somewhat intended to force more into dire situations with other groups needing to get much more funding for caring for them had they stepped in…There’s a lot for everyone to learn and advocate for so each person has support well before times get very tough.