Like the song “You’ve Gotta Have Heart”, when it comes to being part of a small community or even a family, group or larger populace, you may have to dig a little deeper and commit more consciously to being a team player and doing so ‘with HEART!’ The legacy of a few dozen generations is all most people can begin to tune into..even a few generations..and then we are ‘almost before civilization as we know it’. It’s easy to take things for granted and expect the never-ending technologies, science and what-not will carry the day. But times used to be about ‘every person has to carry their weight’ or figure out ways to survive in their tribe. Now we have an ongolng debate, mostly behind the scenes about whether corporations deserve support or people. Even with figuring out whether Some people deserve support or All people deserve a way to exist and survive with dignity with programs like Single Payer Healthcare…how about Basic Nutrition and Encouragement for All People, starting with children so they have a prayer of getting to an age of maturity (ideally their teens if not older) with a clear idea about what sugar, corn syrup, fake food and drugs, cigarettes and so on do to their body. That would include soda and most juice and anything made with foodstuffs that may be ‘legal’ but may well be linked to obesity, diabetes, heart and other troubles..and cancer..the basics.

Then exercise could be promoted for All people, as well as wisdom about body functions and social interactions and relationships. If we invested in caring for people and allowing support for all with online and phone help and yes, personal help as needed most people would not be headed for disaster who are currently seemingly programmed to go that downward spiral.

Getting the right balance of team support, individual compliance and advocacy and so on is the trick. We likely need to make it all more of a game and spur participation with a sense of kudos and prizes rather than punishments and backwards thinking (often rewarding poor sports with promises of Big Wins for instance in civil custody or divorce matters.)

People should have a clear idea that they really are forming a type of business when living with someone, even dating them, but certainly when marrying Or having a child with them and so on. There are few guidelines for anything but the legal marriages and biological parents. The modern world has few of either so are left in limbo land. Still more people could attempt to have some Basic Guidelines to understand What Everyone In their Family or Group could reasonably expect in their lives going forward if people play fairly, even if there are various scenarios.

For instance, people who are getting on in years, say over 55 could learn what Medicare and Medicaid would look like for them and their peers not only at age 65 but at age 60 when owning a home versus renting may have significantly different outcomes. This post or any other is not intended as legal advice or any kind of directive.

There are common things people are facing so these are ideas I have had or heard from others which may be helpful to consider. Each person is responsible for the contacts they use, checking their credentials, understanding the fees associated with any process or person, and for figuring out payments as well as how to renegotiate or dismiss someone as needed.

I am encouraging awareness of many resources and that alone is a novel idea. Checking with a few professionals or non-profits or with information online can fill in a picture that ideally will look consistent or highlight different approaches. If there is a clear imbalance or array of options those need to be further studied to have a better idea of one’s choices. Or one can guess or go with gut instincts. This idea could pertain to getting help with housework health or childcare as much as with going to court or having a conflict with someone that merits counseling or interventions.

If someone is ‘on the cusp’ of low income or even  middle class, having to ‘spend down’ savings or have part of the value of one’s home directed toward medicaid should that become necessary is something one likely would want to know well in advance. It is hard enough to have such needs arise,but harder still if they are not anticipated.

In terms of havng children when younger in life, another roadmap could be drawn up with the forthcoming years over the next few decades..maybe even starting decade to decade or every five years. Then the ages of each family member could be plugged in accordingly.

That may give people time to consider how to save money to help teens and young adults meet some goals for schooling, work, travel and other basics. Keeping the overall picture in mind whether there are two households versus one (due to jobs, travel or care needs of other family, health or other factors including a trial or longterm separation etc) would all Make Sense.

Then the changes that may come along would not be completely catching someone off guard. Ideally agreements to work with a reasonable set of helpers to assist in finalizing any legal plans with a few rough drafts and not rushing the process for instance, could help people not run to get the most costly or tough attorney possible. While it takes two to ‘have a fair parenting plan or divorce agreement’ often both parties are not willing or able to do so. When there is abuse, the news is not good and victims particularly need to hear advocates who express concerns about reporting abuse.

What seems like an important and possibly life-saving step can too often prove problematic for years to come. New advocacy efforts are trying to shed light on this aspect of ‘what’s happening in most courts across the country, in every state’… but the media largely remains silent as do most Domestic Violence shelters and advocates due to their own mandates for funding etc.

The trail is not clear and is often rough, so one needs extra heart and wits to plan for anything serious wtih another person, and of course, with having a child (or even adopting with someone else.) The majority of people likely are reasonable, and clearly have the capacity to be so. Those who are not so may not have the ability to do so. IF they are willing to work with others, then that may be bridge needed to close that gap…but again, many are not able to do that either.

Then one knows they need to tread lightly and with great faith and wisdom. Again, it can be an uphill battle and few in our society are allowing themselves to consider the strange situation Any one of us could find ourselves in whether in personal, professional or other situations such as school, social or even public interactions.

Being even this briefly informed may help one prepare to be ‘better informed’. That can take months and years one doesn’t feel they have and yet a few minutes now and then and being willing to consider what may help in various situations is very important.

For now, we can also take stock in counting the lessons and blessings not only from the past but from the current majority of people who keep the ball rolling in a positive way. There’s time to hope and heartfelt efforts to join in to improve one’s lot in life as a person, a team player, a community member, a town, state and national citizen and even more. Online everyone can connect with more people across the globe.

Then we all have loved ones on the other side likely cheering us on if not giving us extra clues about good news. And then there may be ETs, yes, extra terrestrials who are rooting for our better natures to have the urge to emerge to save ourselves and our planet. The divine would likely be fine with that as well. So why not consider what is in your heart today and whose on your team? Every player can make a big difference, and you are number one in helping your own journey unfold in an agreeable way according to many insightful folks from yesteryear and the present. Time to open those gifts and appreciate things from our heart  not just surface or monetary rewards. What do you think or feel about them apples?