New York City is the home of City Saucery I learned today at the Fort Greene Farmer’s Market. I almost typed “Famers’ Market” and I do hope to applaud all who participate in this stellar event in Brooklyn NY at Fort Greene Park every Saturday, year-round (I also happily learned today.) I will offer at the start of this post now that I wrote it that an overall tip is to be thankful for one’s food, where it came from, all who prepared it and transported it, and those who cooked or served it before eating it. Thanking the cycles of nature and to whatever extent one is open to ‘the divine’ may also be a plus. Living with a sense of routine, a rhythm to one’s day, noting the outdoors and ideally getting out for a steady diet of walks and breaks from one’s work or indoor life can help one keep things in balance.

Now back to my walk in Fort Greene Park, and meeting Amnesty International (and Human Rights Campaign) advocates (both of whom I have signed up with for a spell and  who catch some people up down by the apple booths . That is also where eucalyptus sales abound to the satisfaction of dozens of buyers. A happy tidbit I heard that while dogs are allowed to be leash free before 9am at Fort Green Park, they are also allowed to dash about at Prospect Park before 9am and after 9pm.

Double-check but one hip activist encouraging people to Block The Tax Bill that’s currently up for a vote was giving the intel about the dog fun in the parks.I also learned that the NY State Constitution is not up for review after the last vote. Those stopping by the booth to sign petitions against the proposed Tax Bill that would be hand delivered to Senators Chuck Schumer and Jill Gellibrand (if I am recalling and guessing the spelling correctly) deserve extra kudos. The lure of going to the array of booths is not easy to delay. Yet one young Dad with two in tow did just that and I commended him for his effort. I signed as well and will learn more about Indivisible Brooklyn.

Now onto the saucy talk about City Saucery. Two types of bright jars of the red tomato sauce products were on display by Jorge, a co-founder of City Saucery. He explained that the sauce on my right was tomato sauce with a basil flavor, whereas the illustrious crimson jars on my left were pure tomato puree to be used in an variety of dishes.

Sidenote here about a recipe I will share: I thought about the grapeleaves stuffed with meat and rice that my Lebanese family has enjoyed for generations…seasoned with salt, pepper, cinnamon and allspice (not too much) and dried crushed mint–not peppermint– leaves, prepared with white rice or brown (but maybe cook brown rice first since the leaves are better not cooked forever), the crushed tomatoes, with or without chickpeas or raw hamburger all mixed together and rolled up in grapeleaves that have been rinsed in water.

To do that one lays a grapeleave flat, dark side down. Place a 2-3 tsp of meat mix on the lower part, fold the sides in and roll up all cozy, leaving a little room for the rice to expand so not too tight. . Serve with lemon (or mix some lemon juice into the rice mix too). If interested cook on some rhubard stalks in and in water to cover the large saucepan half full of stacked grape leaves with water so rice can cook. When the rice is done, test one or two then serve hot. Look up a yogurt based dip to add also (Leban, I believe and think that’s yogurt in Lebanese which means people who like yogurt..or so I was told over the years..)

I have read recently that homemade yogurt is best to get probiotic benefits since it is not processed and does not have added sugar. But now back to the City Saucery Sauce. Jorge also explained that the sauce is made with organic tomatoes but that they are ‘seconds’ as in not up for sale in a store due to a blemish. The secret’s in the high quality, organic tomato product.

I saw a NY Times article about their company which I will research along with a few recipes I might consider using the lovely jar of sauce he agreed to let me sample to complete this mouth-watering post about delectable food one can find right there at the Farmer’s Market and at their booth for a smooth $15 dollars a jar. I will take a picture or two of the bright red color and have thought of inviting some guests over who run a restaurant in the area. Maybe they will use the product in some of their dishes…ya never know what will catch on with whom. City Saucery also ships anywhere, so no need to travel to NYC or the Famer’s Market even if you live in the Big Apple.

I will list other booths during the daylight hours. I helped a friend throw a party for her friends and by the time we emptied the ice from chests and I sorted out recycling, I got home near midnight. Then I tuned into some interesting talk on Electric Motors..and how the Cost of running a motor that’s about $3K to buy for a 100 Horsepower and is used for 8000 hrs per year will cost about 24K per year to run (that is called “P” as in process cost, my guess). If a less efficient motor costs $2500 for a 95 HP, then it also may cost $24K to run, so one may not really be ‘saving’ much over the year by saving 500 in the amount of purchase (That’s called “A” as in beginning cost.) I was able to stay up this late not due to any super food I ate but due to a couple hour nap I took from 4-6pm.

Mostly a steady ‘diet’ of Regular night time sleep is what I hope to enjoy and recommend. I did indulge in some organic popcorn made not with hot air (but that’s on my wish list for this coming season and year) but with olive oil. I heard a talk by John Robbins and his son Ocean recommending the air popped organic and GMO free (not always the case even with organic so another goal to pursue) as a handy snack.

Overall they promoted getting Good Ingredients to prepare nice healthy meals in quantity, freezing portions so not caught off guard when needing Food for the Brood, Or Grub for the Hunger Rub, a Meal with a Nice Feel, and for Health that is Wealth for Living In Style with a Smile and Fitness Factor of Five rather than a 1 couch potato or 2 huffin’ and puffin’ up the stairs or on a cigarette or joint etc.

Not to pick on any buddy..but to combat the diabesity epidemic we can all share a little wisdom (as I did at a party with a firefighter) about getting one’s A1C checked by the doctor or maybe from an online lab etc. That is one’s Average blood glucose level over 3 months. I shared also that some savvy health practitioners recommend addressing a pre-diabetic condition from 5.7-6.2 whereas others use higher numbers, such as up to 6.5 or even 7.0. Best to educate oneself about the various models and Try to Avoid Getting Into Concerning Ranges sooner rather than later.

Look at family history, having a higher BMI, Body Mass Index, noting one’s age (if over 40 years old), if having had a 9 lb baby as birth mother, and  noting whether one’s family tree has had diabetes…the more ‘risk factors, the more important to be proactive about testing one’s A1C and getting clear about reducing carbs to less than two slices of bread or the equivalent daily, and overall, staying active by walking and doing less sitting and stressing.

Not drinking alcohol (much if at all), avoiding sugar (large amounts especially) and all the other tips I add in are also helpful–not taking in cold foods like icecream or ice water or cold drinks which can be hard on one’s system according to most macrobiotic and other teachings. Check with Ayurvedic theories and ‘learn as you grow in wisdom and health’ for yourself and your family and friends. See the Joyful Diabetic talks on youtube, and google a clinic in Florida (I’ll try to find the name from my diabetic educator friend who gives talks in Salisbury CT from time to time. And the American Diabetes Association of course.)

Having some help from online advice givers (who are qualified ideally and legit even if from other traditions such as Eastern medicine may be helpful.) Check with and One Drop folks to see what they offer. I have found which has a monthly fee helpful in focusing on a variety of issues and encouraging me to get more baseline check ups and follow up so things are not lost in the shuffle. I have found doctors in rural CT have very nice accommodations and more time to spend with patients than in  Brooklyn NY, but at least there’s coverage and I try to be proactive.

I hope to test my blood pressure and blood sugar (with a home test kit) more often, something MA was recommending more people do for a couple of weeks since hypertension too often is not diagnosed likely due to people not going to the doctor..and again the guidelines can vary a lot so good to explore options from reliable sites.

Understanding that one has a major responsibiility and ability to learn about normal body functions is a big step to taking charge of one’s health, being more aware of ‘what is normal for one’s system’ and recalling earlier times of fitness and health and trusting the body can return to that type of energy and functioning over time. A lot of ‘mind over matter’ ideas can be explored to build confidence and help spur a fitness path for oneself and one’s friends if not family.

Planning and shopping with health in mind is one way to stay on track and not have to look back with regret over months or years of ‘being on the fly, not tuning into one’s options with some simple healthy salads with fresh greens and organic vegetables (especially carrots and celery), soup broth (and if buying organic chicken or beef broth that has been simmered for 10 hours to get the minerals out of the bones one salesman from Yellow Bell Farm shared at the Fort Greene Farmer’s Market. Look up health benefits from these different products which most people likely made on a regular basis over many generetions.

As we remember what people knew not too many generations ago, we can restore our connection to those traditions even with food co-ops and fellowship as well as the land, gardens and nature. All healthy stuff to feel good about every season of the year.

With holidays and gift-giving, shopping locally and naturally can be a big win. Keeping money in local circles can increase value many times over as well as build up relationships. See more in Change Here Now by Adam Brock about Social Permaculture. I heard him speak at The Commons in Brooklyn a few months ago and got a friend to attend as well. Now I just have to read the details about people care, earth care and resource share. As I am writing this, a heavy rain is coming down, so likely it’s a sign that sleep is the next thing on my to-do list. I have just the recipe for That… turn off the lights, and climb into bed, put head on my pillow (and yes, I try to sleep on my left side to make it easier on my heart.) I will do a moment of thanks and feeling connected to all the good and the divine..and drift peacefully off to dreamland.

I will put a glass of water by my bed Not to drink (though I have a glass bottle of water for that..) but to help transmute my dreams and keep a calm vibe while I am sleeping mostly with my door shut (but maybe ajar since my room is a bit cool due to heating issues..but feng shui wise, a closed door and no mirrors or uncovered windows keeps the calm for one’s spirit. I have seen some folks who have major mirrored cabinets even in their kids rooms so I gently suggested they look into the feng shui of that..and some are medical and professional folks.

I shared with an experienced journalist  Deborah Horan covering the Middle East about Steven Greer and his free talks on youtube and main Netflix documentary (that’s been on the top seller list) in hopes she can consider and connect with him or spread the word. They also served lovely Middle Eastern food at that event at St. Joseph’s recently.

Little by little everyone can tune into ‘less is more’ especially as one gets older and may not need a high calorie diet compared to one’s twenties or when having children or hiking mountains etc.

We are what we eat on a certain level and how we eat (including a good attitude and one of gratitude versus not too aware or grumpy or mean. Are we feeling stressed or blessed? Can we try to ‘fake it til we make it’ more of a reality one meal at a time? Ideally at night when going to sleep, we can each officially ‘clock out’ and take the night Off from worry or anger, stress or questioning everything or even allowing others to tread on our turf. Easier said than done, I know, but again, very good medicine for all involved.

Now we’ll get back to becoming a hotbed of amazing, delectable food inspirations. Thanks of the celebrations of everyday dishes and encounters. I enjoyed a meal from the Cadman Congregational Church as well where very cool things are cooking up as well in the many parts of their maze-like castle of a church on the corner of Clinton and LaFayette Avenues in Brooklyn NY. They have the G train and the 38 MTA Bus stop right thar and the Brooklyn Dance Studio offering a nice array of classes. I was tempted to take a class at noon but wanted to help promote their Christmas Bazaar with their nice group of vendors. Knitted hats and scarves, affordable attractive jewelry, very cool T shirts by Tom Holley and more. I enjoyed hearing a wind up music box that played when the smooth wooden lid was opened, a little Mozart I believe.

I hope to play more classical music for young children at area playgroups and even the library (with the computers and cell phones handy it shouldn’t be too hard to add that to the listening diet that can nurture children’s well-being and musical repertoire.) St. Joseph’s College in Brooklyn NY offers concerts in their parlour which I can only imagine adds to the inspired living and peaceful vibe in our area, along with yoga studios, many churches and faith groups and of course the groovy people of all sizes and styles out walking, talking and befriending one another with a smile or chat, and taking time to connect with the many four-legged pooches out for a stroll.

A last tidbit if you’re still reading and since I didn’t want to forget to mention it: Someone famous is working on a movie..maybe hush-hush, so don’t tell him you read it here.The name of the movie is a certain number. When I heard that from someone, I got a feeling that ‘what are the odds’..that number was part of my late teen son Kaelan’s email address…as in emptyskull(that certain number). Gee whiz, what’s That mean?

Last week I happened to go to a church where some of the film was being done or used as extra space. Then I heard more details from someone else later in the week in a chance way. Then I got to thinking and telling another friend at that church’s event today that I had asked my son not to use the ’empty skull’ part in the his email since that can attract the energy. Our son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton unfortunately didn’t think there could possibly be anything to that theory that was new to me back in 2007 or so when I told him.

That may be one small part of why his life ended all of the sudden, seemingly out of the blue, when an event at a river turned from fun to serious hell…and he lost his life trying to save a friend after rescuing two while on shore. More of that time is described in Remembering Kaelan Alexander (which one can google to find readily as about 30K others have since the 2009 event I wrote about a few years after it occurred.) The connections with Kaelan’s spirit however started with others giving me insights and often me feeling like my life was more like a movie than I could imagine.

Now with this movie being made practically in my own backyard (as a few are in Brooklyn, but this one speaking to me) I plan to see it. When I know it’s okay to share the title etc, I will let you know. Just consider parts of this post and blog as you feel may be helpful since we only have so much time and can generally  only ponder so many thoughts per day, week, month, year, season of life and so on…and we all do so in our very own unique ways from our own personal and historical we always have something to chat about over dinner, ya see?