Brilliant, loving ideas come to me sometimes..and if I am awake or mostly awake I try to write them down. A week or two back I was seeing the connection between my teen son’s name Kaelan and Brother Kaelan..and Brooklyn (NY but there is also one in CT I am now recalling, and in MN where I know some wonderful folks..including twins in the Twin Cities…)
The overall idea now will be to launch an idea to the world..yes, you and yours and cities and states and countries and everything else while we’re at it. Of course there’s plenty to celebrate about Brooklyn NY by just seeing it on a map or some pictures of the neighborly metropolis. The landscape is changing dramatically down town with tall buildings going up and often forcing shops and people out who cannot afford the increased rents or rates to buy or do business there.
That’s not so great yet is a sign of the times. That is happening in many communities. The effects of gentrification are an echo of what first world countries have done to many other countries. I am no expert on economics but overall have learned from permaculture and various news shows, that those in charge often make decisions to benefit themselves.
The way to help shift that dynamic is for more people to advocate for themselves and find ways to receive resources and have ways to make progress to benefit themselves. It’s not a perfect solution but rather than wait for someone ‘at the top’ to figure out how to serve those ‘less empowered’, more people need to have a stake in having basic needs met and finding ways for that to happen through advocacy and enterprise.
A vigilant, well-spoken (and thankfully a “Can’t Stop, WON’T STOP!” advocate) NY Representative Hakeem Jeffries covered many important points along these lines in his talk on January 23rd, 2018 at Brooklyn Technical High School which I was able to attend. He warned that the low income housing, some of which comprise a veritable city unto themselves is in jeapordy of running out of federal protections and guaranteed upgrades. He is pushing for an extension past 2039 when their status could be compromised.
He also is advocating for them to be maintained for safety (from lead and basic needed repairs) so they are adequate for people to enjoy living there. Raising the bar of meeting physical needs is something NYC and many other places are doing voluntarily to address downward cycles of decline. That can be countered with others joining in to up our collective team spirit and think tanks to improve things locally and as we can nationally and globally.
The sense of appreciating one young man’s selfless acts of love for others above self and paying the ultimate sacrifice when trying to save a friend in need after getting two others out from dangerous river currents is one anyone can draw upon should a little more inspiration be needed.
Sadly everyone has heard of such ‘everyday above and beyond duty heroes’. If they survive their courageous deeds they are recognized and emboldened. If they are among the many who cross over with a powerful message as some of their final act on the earth plane, their families, friends and communities grow in wisdom and may feel an enduring light and love.
Finding ways to ‘lend a hand while still on land’ and clarify sensible, responsible agreements that everyone can buy into for their own benefit and that of others is a new game in town. Rather than assume ‘custody battles’ should be only for divorcing or separted parents, the New Better Way and Idea could be for Everyone Being a Responsible Team Player when it comes to caring for and helping others whether children or elderly, people with physical or mental health or social or life needs.
Brother Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton, in our personal case in the northwest corner of CT, offers much for any state to ponder to raise the bar for voluntary guidelines and agreements more youth and parents, teachers and programs could offer to keep people accountable to someone for their everyday whereabouts and general activities.
If one wants to be ‘off the radar’ and basic criteria for health and competency are met, that can be an option to. The point is most people who are functioning in the modern world will let someone know their plans and any risky things they are doing. While we have a range of the wild and woolly recreational or sporting options in this country, most are not life-threatening.
A greater appreciation for the playing field in terms of watching the edge of danger whether out in nature by rivers or water, hikes with drops of risky terrain or weather, road sports (where let’s face it all bets are off since alcoholism and drug use is rampant even among drivers, so more precautions there would be a good starting place.
For instance waiting to be an independent driver until age 18 is a good one, and lots of practice with a mature driver for a year in various conditions and settings (rural, highway, urban, etc) is another great tip. Taking more time to review driving habits and protocol for personal safety. Losing control of one’s exit options (and no jumping out of cars is not a great idea, but if a car is stopped or slowed Wa-a-ay down that may be a chance for safety.)
Even things like not talking on a cell phone even if hands free can be promoted to help more people understand the many factors involved in driving. A key one is Not being distracted in anyway unreasonably (arguing, being too tired or even too excited, having too many people in the car..especially young folks who can be more prone to push not only the speed limits but any ‘opportunity’ including bullying or assaulting others…especially female or young victims.
As much as the dangers can lurk on the highways or risky places out in the world, too often many women and children are victimized in their homes and communities. Even sexual assault is largely committed against them by family or friends. I offer that when that occurs, those people lose their official connection due to failure to fulfil the job description of being family or a friend. They likely are hurting or otherwise unbalanced people, and in need of help, but not enabling. The victim empowerment movement such as demonstrated in the two annual Women’s Marches of 2017 and 2018 are the beginning of a new unstoppable shared spirit of sisterhood and womanhood.
There will be no going back to days of old. Bold is the new old and pulling together is the new Super Bowl (often in sync with Super Moons.) The whole world is considering that not only is an oppressive hierarchy of corporate and super rich greed falling away but the universe may be chiming in from many dimensions that need our attention if not respect. We are learning and growing in a natural way toward new insights. We are waking up to the idea that we’ve been only listening with half of our being, and somewhat as children. Now we need and want to know more and be more not only for ourselves but to protect one another’s dignity. It is no longer a ‘good ol’ boys club’.
Many on the internet and at conferences as well as veritable movements nationally and world wide are shifting the tide. Hopefully everyone will be finding the resources to feel fed (literally good food with fewer sugary, fatty options luring them away from their natural health and well-being.) Even learning to live with ‘peace and quiet’ could be allowed so more people are aware of their Choices for whatever they ingest. Simple ideas of ‘not doing harmful things’ whether drinking cold drinks (if as Chinese medicine and others warn may prove detrimental over time as can having too much of anything, yes even s-e-x particularly for men who may lose chi over their lifetime more than necessary.) With the internet ‘all the information’ is there, but it’s not flowing to the masses in a reasonable fashion.
An overall ‘Life 101″ curriculum could be offered to encourage more people to be savvy about the human body, our basic vehicle for living and asset to maintain with preventive measures rather than waiting until one is struck down with illness for instance. Stress in all its many forms could be identified to help others realize the impact of their lifestyle and certain events or short-term endeavors. Basically sleeping at night regularly (9:30p -7am as Dr. Sha at suggests) is something people could learn about before teenage social habits online or on the phone–which often stick through ones 20s– have them up half the night. I know that may sound like a grandmother’s wisdom and in many respects it is.
But Grandmothers need more respect and attention for guidance. Grandfathers too as well as all older wiser folks whatever age they are. The actions can be considered and lessons learned. Hopefully people of any walk of life would know it’s okay to have feelings and those are key to healings. New modalities offer ideas to shift from one’s current feeling or thinking state to a more neutral or positive place without having to ‘do one’s homework as traditionally thought such as dealing with one’s reality and making amends or seeking forgiveness.’
Learning to allow healing is huge and likely setting clear boundaries for oneself (not getting too hungry, angry,lonely, tired, or upset–even for a good or a sad reason) could be helpful. Again a response-able buddy system or online support (even if reading and listening to podcasts etc) can be a big help. Joining groups for some support but taking time to build trust and make sure one will not be burdened or trapped makes sense as well.
All this and more can be a grassroots level of networking and healing, getting real and joining together in communities to take ownership of the little things that sadly can take root and become amplified and often distorted over time when matters are not addresed. Having a mediation center and ideally a number of trained mediators (such as with the book The Promise of Mediation) would be helpful. Seeing The Quincy Solution by Barry Goldstein and website or BMCC, Mothers Custody Conference, in Albany NY material would also be a good first step. There are many disconnects among parts of our culture. and thus many people predictably falling through the cracks.
Let’s try to bring some order to the courts and systems ‘serving families’. Safe and Together Model as offered by David Mandel and Associates is promoting an important message of keeping children ‘safe and together’ with their mothers when there is domestic abuse and control. The statistics have shown many blaming or abandoning mothers, often giving custody to the abuser or his family in many facets of society from social services (DCF, or CPS, Child Protective Services.)
There may be a dark side people do not know about with many ‘friendly sounding’ services. Ideally if people could make agreements to avoid a downward spiral of neglect and challenges that would help. The funding likely would not be there however if needed by someone without the means to support either a mom or her kids.
Again these are the tips of the iceberg. But if the tide can change, that can all shift. Let’s see what can happen. Here’s to all the heroes who’ve gone above and beyond. Living a life with ups and downs is what many say is the point to help our spirits gain a greater knowledge of what is possible (to overcome inner and outer struggles, heal relationships or gain self-confidence if needing to let go of certain aspects of being near or involved with someone.) The other big new insight is that ‘we are all connected and are possibly all one energy field.. so on some level we are fighting with ourselves even if there are other players involved.
A bully for instance is likely ‘beating himself or herself up’ as much as hurting someone else. Someone hurting or actually doing another in may be nixing part of their own humanity and energy field. The old idea gaining new ground about ‘what we are all doing here’ includes the theory that we choose our lives and people in it to bring balance to our inner or spiritual knowing, possibly even our some karma from many lifetimes (though I don’t care for that one so much and hope the lessons can be learned through the arts or studying history…but realize the here and now is chock full of life force and learning for millions to try to catch onto and maybe we all had checked a box about ‘keeping it real’ and not being locked in a sterile pre-programmed life environment. Figuring out how good things could be for more people could be the new great shared quest. Taking time to Rethink Everything could be A New Shared Agenda, a NSha,, so #NShA which I explore in another post.
Well, I write these posts in one fell swoop, so will put this in park for now but hope it’s just the beginning. I am studying ways to make more of an impact and create meaningful networks online so stay tuned or better yet, join me in that endeavor! Thanks a bundle for all the good you do and high 5s, BeYouToFull! (Beautiful is what Kaelan would call people in a friendly way which would be a quick say Hellooo with Feeling to your sweet sElf along those lines the next time you look in the mirror…consider also how your reflection may be a good analogy for your spiritual self, light as a feather and wondrous as the world.)
With his initialls sounding like Cap, I have another aspect of this vision called ThinkingKAPP, Kids-Adults-Parents Partnership to paint the stage for people making voluntary agreements to act within reason and not go out on a limb in the name of horsing around. The risks are too high to do such things without parental responsible permission and supervision.
Both parents should be included as much as possible and for highly dangerous outings and such. The lessons we learn hopefully will be second nature to the youth growing up. People caring for elders can find support to prevent falls and neglect of care and supervision as well as meaningful plans for good care even through the end of life at and other online and local resources. More to come for each age and stage to help one and all Live Fully! Thanks for sharing in a FB or tweet. Feel free to comment on any post. Let’s Get this Bro’KLYN party started! Cool team players wanted!!