A couple of nice folks have shared the following on FB on their page and suggest we do the same to keep our friends in our loop.That’s the scoop! Do it now or put it on your To-Do List (okay Make a To Do List and Then put it on. A calendar works just fine by the way!) An added bonus, always double check appts and places since some medical or other offices cancel and leave a message you may not get.
Some have more than one location or various hours. I have often found I will have two or more changes to any appt I make here in Brooklyn NY. Not so much in CT, but the distances are much longer up there and of course, everyone’s time if valuable… so again, even socially keep in touch a day or the day of as much as possible if not much earlier if there’s travel or childcare needed. Another cool idea is to have ‘on call’ back up help for child or elder care etc since often people may be feeling sick or just over something (or people in their household.) Let people know as much as possible that at least a day if not a week recovery is your preference for optional social or small job interactions if someone has been sick. Okay back to the tech talk…Thanks Sylvia and Dominique!
How to avoid hearing from the same 25 Facebook friends and nobody else: Here is a post explaining why we don’t see all posts from our FB friends: the FB news feed shows posts from only the same few people, about 25, repeatedly the same, because FB has a new algorithm. Its system chooses the people to read your post. Nonetheless, I would like to choose for myself.
Therefore, I ask you a favor: if you read this message, please leave me a quick comment, a “hello,” an emoji, or whatever you want so that you will appear in my news feed. Otherwise, FB chooses whichFB friends to show me in my news feed. I do not need FB to choose my friends! Do not hesitate to copy and paste this message on your wall so that you may have more interaction with all your contacts and thereby bypass the algorithm system. This is why we don’t see all posts from our friends! Thanks