With news on FB from a friend saying 17 were lost in a school episode of violence by a former student on February 14th, 2018 our Valentine’s Day. I gave the following reflection. Some said we need to pray, others to vote. I suggested both which of course most people are apt to do with renewed conviction and even a friend.I wanted to write something inspiring about Valentine’s and put some reflections on www.medium.com/@livfully about being married 30 years ago (with the legal part ending about 20 years later..with many blessings and lessons along the way, but not the easiest of endings..since our teen son passed away the following day in mid June 2009. There is more about that challenging turn of events and difficult loss on this blog, best found by googling “Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton.”

He wouldn’t want me making this post about him (again) but maybe to mention he was trying to save his friends from a dangerous water situation would actually be healing to help us remember how the life of teenagers can be a bit of wild river ride. They all meant well, just to be a little wild and have fun (and not listen to my concerns that they Not go to the river alone but many adults allowed that without supervising as well, so there’s another good lesson for the content adults in the world.. to clarify agreements and follow them please, myself included…note to self.)

But foremost, condolences to the families, the school and town and basically the whole state of Florida for this serious and horrific loss of beautiful young people. Do ‘hang onto the love’ and don’t let the perpetrator claim your joy and integrity, your family and life experience beyond what you want to allow yourselves to ‘keep it real’ and feel so you can heal.

It can be a rough ride, particularly if somehow mostly alone, but trust you are never alone and many clearly are with you through this life-altering ordeal. Kaelan’s memorial service is on youtube.com and for any who may have 5-10 minutes the segments are mostly filled with reflections and songs. We held his service a month after his passing but I think I would have wanted to know ‘I wasn’t the only one who suddenly lost a child..and would not see him again. In our case he was not found for a week and it was recommended not to see him. Not an easy decision but nothing was making much sense at that point.

A psychic had a message for us through a friend to not see him, at Kaelan’s request..so I honored that. A few other psychics or mediums have had reassuring ‘specific’ messages from Kaelan and other family who all seem to be doing okay no matter how they crossed over.

There is much more literature on all of that now, but it took me a few years of hearing and reading to consider and trust that is likely more of how things happen than not. Overall it’s very reassuring, but everyone has their own path and ways of considering things, whatever their faith orientation. As a Christian is was confusing at times and spoken as not an option by some, but again, life unfolds and the dreams, connections and wisdom often follow their own path.

Likely we are being called to really wake up to many things that are not easy to hear or learn about more deeply. Even our human condition is a basic ‘do not think about it’ topic…but likely with more philosophy worked into our early years of ‘schooling’.\

I think should be more like camps to help everyone eat well and learn basics of living, growing food and balancing one’s activities…and not hitting the books too hard and steadily until one’s brain and body is more mature much like Rudolph Steiner suggests, but maybe with some tweaking for the modern world, then youth could feel they are cared for and understand when they are getting off track with ‘stinkin’ thinkin’ or feelings that seem a downward spiral.

If more people could consider we may not really cease to exist when we die and that we are more connected than we’ve been able to hear or understand in the past many thousands of years..maybe they’d evolve with love to ‘let go of the caveman mindset’. Steven Greer and others online for decades are assuring millions through youtubes and worldwide discussions that we have much more to be grateful about than to despair about…yet people, especially young ones with ‘issues’ likely haven’t really had anyone discuss that with them or help them live accordingly.

Many poor Americans feel deprived because there are many well-off people in America..whereas in Calcutta the dying masses can feel okay about things because ‘they are all in the same boat.’ Not having been there, I don’t know that is true today but that was part of a study a while back. The more we work together on the basics likely the more people will want to ‘give back’ a little and try to get free from the ‘need to have their way or other people pay for hurting their feelings or not being what they’d hoped for..’ We are amazing humans..but we are still humans (for now, before we likely get talked into getting more robotic…)

Ideally with such a tragedy as this loss in Florida there will be vigils with a way to help the spirits of these people transition and their families have support in a caring, meaningful way rather than take too much time in the next few days to focus on the criminal.

Again, Rudolf Steiner, Edgar Cayce and many others speak to a three-day transitional process that is rather mystical and healing for those who have crossed over particularly if their loved ones can ‘journey with them’ in a positive mind and emotional way… reading silently while thinking of them things like fairy tales or uplifting verses, singing and thinking of them and having a positive vigil with meals and gatherings ‘as though they were in their midst, resting as likely few will be seeing their loved ones any time soon if at all.’

These are not easy things to think about..but having lived through something along these lines of sudden loss almost a decade ago, I have hoped our country would develop better outreaches for every state and community to access in times of need…and it’s slow going. That said, more will be coming up in the media for handling the matters and topic of ‘death and dying’ as well as some ongoing support before, during and after someone’s passing. A free program from www.doulagivers.comonline is a helpful resource.

I have taken it and hope to do more outreach in the near future to help more people feel supported around this delicate topic for loved ones or be more clear about their own plans for health proxies or life support and end of life plans. For now these FB forums do serve a helpful way to connect with one another..and hopefully we will hear of ways we can all work to prevent any kinds of serious mental illness or violence from erupting into a bigger problem or tragic situation.

“Lighting a candle now and keeping them all in a circle of love and light”… Hugs to all in our circles too as we try to be stronger and wiser about our lives, states, and country as 2018 continues to unfold in important ways.