The bonus shared  of preventing sickness and worry are very motivating…and then the ‘good stuff’ of connecting with the dreams and soul energy…well that puts it over the top..I am taking other cool programs along these lines and feel we’re all ‘getting there’… Thanks a bundle…I’ll stay posted for the next outreach and see how the stars line up for me… wishing all the best.

Exciting to see Lynne  McTaggart live here on the pre-session PR. She’s written a lot….The Field, The Intention Experiment, The Power of Eight  (about people working together with intention in circles of eight…and I got to sample that with friends doing that. The more regularly done the better, weekly and so on… Likely a big plus of friendships and people gathering whether in person or  with intention.
I love when books are translated in to many languages (as Lynne’s have been and The Chicken Soup for the Soul books…)..

We need the message but also the medium to get the messages out…and the more customized the better to help the word land and bear fruit…That said, a serious issue in many health matters is ‘getting people to do what is being taught’ (without blocks due to folklore etc…) A sad example is many children die from not being given water if they have diarrhea because their moms/ towns don’t believe the advice of giving adequate fluid to prevent dehydration…But at least more ‘experts’ and countries are acknowledging that problem…