A lovely woman named Marta who lives near the ocean shared with a large online group that is focusing on positives said she’d like to live in good health to be a hundred of more. She’s in her 70s and her family tends to run into the high numbers and she’d like to do so with a good running start. She has had a great life so far, so she’s knows plenty about health.
This program is mainly about mindset and having a strong sense of meaningful connection with others who share positive life values and ways to thinking…to bring more of that to fruition. I will keep this short so I can get out to my gardens and take a walk, maybe drum in my Turtle Garden, a circular garden (open at both ‘ends’ for easy access) and ‘legs’ that had extended out in four nice extra rows for garden plants without upsetting the landscape and again having ready access for picking and enjoying the sites (including a large yellow garden spider whose taken up residence amongst the daisies.
I just trimmed the ones that have turned brown down to allow for new growth and watered them. Something is digging up some of my plants and even munching away on edibles, such as tomato plants and a yellow squash. I didn’t really get many veggies in as hoped, but the potatoes are multiplying and the season’s not over yet!)
I have plenty of little plants I started in kits from a Stop ‘n Shop giveaway (thanks to all doing such ventures) and I’ve shared some and will put a few more in the ground once the heat wave retreats. Okay back to Dreaming of All Good Things for Healing and Helping on Many Levels and Dimensions..’we’re all in this together more than we may comprehend so let’s act as if we’ve got out act together and that may help us do just that…” Best to all with good intent and a hope to care and share the wisdom, big love and resources for basics for all and a few perks along the way too!