I’ve been frying a few fish, so to speak and heard the talk about EnergyCodesOnline.com info (and they are offering a cool program starting next week.)
Marci Shimoff is talking it up too (and it’s a 500 dollar program so a stretch for me but let me know if you do it and maybe we can keep networking…) I am donig the Dr. Ritamarie program for Insulin Resistance Solution Practioner Training (IRSPT..you have to be smart enough to even know what that’s about but she explains it soup to nuts…and blood tests to nutrition to Prevent Insulin Resistance, blood sugar imbalance and more like pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome…)
So I have oodles to learn and will be coaching others…so the world’s getting healthier as hundreds are training up (and learning to battle the ‘bad habits’ by cutting down and eventually not even missing them (I’m working on the first part…) Okay thanks for all folks are doing.. Marci is sharing how she had sugar cravings to get through low energy times (craving a Fudgiscle…I think they’ve outlawed those, just kidding but I haven’t seen one in a long time…)
The point is we should all know Basics of Biology as well as decent sleep and being in sync with nature and have flow in our lives and relationships… Best to all…See more on Livfully.org about a timely Death With Dignity Act in MA (the 10th state that may pass a way for medical assistance for those who are in pain with terminal illness as legal options…)
Thanks to all helping people from start to ‘finish’ with love and support for care and compassion, and not abandoning others (but not hastening anyone’s passing as may not be legal…although allowing for natural death may be an option as long as someone is of sound mind and has indicated that….just mentioning things that need more research and understanding in the US, state by state and around the world.
Many programs and ethics groups suggest ‘suffering or pain, etc’ may be part of one’s soul contract or the terms of a spiritual experience and/or other reasons such as mental anguish or revenge etc are not reasons to end one’s life. Many people regret attempting or ‘following through’ with self-harm or taking of one’s life… so again, trying to cover a few challenging topics to get more healing around ‘all of the above’ and with love from above and among humanity…
Okay I’ll wrap up with a positive note that people can feel more calm and joyful by putting one’s hand on the heart chakra and breathing a few times or minutes… creating positive shifts and thoughts..Let’s do More of That!