Salisbury Bank and Trust Company is a local bank making strides in helping the community understand Financial Literacy and Ways to Improve their Business Acumen as well.

See their site for their Youniversity topics. With the internet, financial literacy can be on everybuddy’s radar even though many schools do not formally teach it or promote it.

Consider as another resource and the people and resources from the government to learn the basics and more details about how to earn money, get credit, manage debt (or steer clear of it if you do not have the resources to manage it whether for business or other ventures, even additional schooling at a higher cost than needed.

On that note, if you don’t need the credentials but are willing to learn there are many offerings online that allow for the non-credit learning. Then if you can prove you can do needed tasks and management perhaps a consulting job or similar path can be found to get gainful employment

. AIER publishes information on the college costs and ‘return on investments’ (ROI) with an annual listing of colleges on various metrics (points to consider from the student’s and family’s perspectives, bottom dollar costs, amount of financial aid or loans, and employment rates of graduates in various fields for instance.)

But back to SCORE whose Dutchess County NY representatives spoke at the Millerton NY branch of the Salisbury Bank and Trust Co, conveniently located near Cumberland Farms gas station and store. I have to say I appreciate the retail outfits like that as informal ‘community centers’ complete with food choices and Bathrooms! Skip the Next few paragraphs is you don’t want to hear any newfound business ideas that involve Bathroom Talk! Just google score and you’ll be good to go from here!

Can’t take that (handy bathrooms) for granted wherever we live and ideally every state should mandate a certain number of public bathroom facilities per 10K people (especially in the cities where that may be a couple city blocks.)

Until such legislation is in place, people should be allowed and encouraged to use ‘private ‘phone booth’ type facilities where they could have a chance to use a commode or thereabouts and Take Their Own Home (or at a nearby dumping station, yes for both the fluids and solids–separate if need be but mixed as an option too.)

Toilet paper and wet wipes could be stored in a separate baggie and all the ‘home made goods’ could be recycles appropriately. Strange as this idea sounds, it’s very practical..and would give everyone a sense of decency and respect not currently available to address a fundamental human need of elimination.

These kinds of ‘phone booth spaces, with options for wheelchair needs as can be reasonably accommodated as well, more like a small car port with folding doors or at least a canvas type curtain) could be in subway stations and even on subway cars (actually a simple curtain at the end of the car would make sense and people could ‘move over’ as needed.)

The key to helping this type of program succeed would be everyone being issued a standard ‘Elimination Bag, with containers like ziplock backs for #1, #2 and Mixed–yes that’s urine, feces and mixed.There are male and female urinals (in addition to commodes) which again could be issued for homeuse to help keep peace in residential settings. Ideally there would be more ‘dog latrines’ as well on every block to save the trees and ground water.

The New York Botanical Gardens has promoted the recycling of urine by dilution with ten times the amount of water to use on their flowering plants. Essentially that is sequestering or storing the nutrients of the human material or output and using it to enhance the environment. I am not sure where such places secure their ‘donations’ but that would give a whole new meaning to ‘keeping it local.’ Check out permaculture(PC) themes and terms (see The Turtle Garden Permaculture Game and TG Circle of Friends posts on this blog by googling too, even the The Acorn and The Turtle or The Jewel Story to get some inspiration about dreaming into new realities and collaborations with others and nature and other realms.) A basic PC term is to ‘take care of your own outputs’ to put it nicely, and be aware of the energy and resources needed to manage both inputs and outputs into any person, animal, system, environment.

Now pardon that colorful detour about managing basic bodily human functions (which could include free birth control via condoms etc if we realized the cost benefit and yes, even give free sex ed so everyone knows what we’re (trying to) get to talking about. Basically it’s time for ‘women to take the lead in making society more sensible and hospitable with lots of cool men ready to listen, learn and yes, add their input in meaningful ways..not mean ways as too often has been the tradition by a lot of bad apples spoiling the spoils…’

Now back to business talk..the table topic of the post. By all means, check out SCORE if you are Thinking of Going Into Business, are Just Getting Started (and I almost wrote Married which let’s face it Does have a Huge Business Side to it Nobody Talks About Necessarily. I will add if you are caring for someone else there are also ‘business or money implications’ so again learn The Laws and Nuts and Bolts of Basics (even filing taxes, Workman’s compensation insurance coverage, payroll or other help for keeping track of payments. Even with family members other than the natural parent, there can be fiduciary requirements. Those terms may vary In Every State as well, so keep track.

I will say that the talk was attended by a few women, some in business for years and others newer to the plan or making new ventures. There’s a lot to be said to those braving the business world. A basic tip was to Have A Team, Don’t Do Everything Alone, Keep Up With Current Trends and Be Flexible. You can add to your line of offerings if you have name recognition, maybe branching into a new field or linking up with new Values that more people share (think Health, Wealth, Happiness, Sharing and Caring, Coaching.) Add Extra Value with insights and explain Why “You’re not only The One but the Best for Filling A Need or Service.” Okay that’s it for now, I am looking up audible so someone can hear the biography of Gloria Steinham and also that of Elinor Stewart (a pioneer woman..with the title Heartland.)

I will encourage everyone to Read the Domestic Abuse, Child Custody and Visitation (Winning in Family Court) book by Toby Kleinman. She reviews the many facets of our American judicial and social services systems that  need seriou reworking to Protect Adult and Child Victims of Domestic Abuse. That sound obvious but it far too often gets lost in the shuffle of intimidating controlling and therefore abusive men and fathers in divorce or custody courts. A New Day Needs To Dawn Today so our most vulnerable citizesn can live and sleep sanely and safely. That will actually curtail much drug and gun violence, costly court actions and medical injuries. What are we waitng for? Every Business should make this a Priority with professional tactful screenings so workplaces and employees can be safer 24-7/365 day sof the year!