With many views on the internet, youtube and other free sites, it’s not as easy to spend money to listen to the latest views. Maybe some bloggers and even mainstream media will cover the latest Theories and Ideas that may be important for more of us to know about in a meaningful ways. Well, this weekend consider the offerings on www.NoLiesRadio.org For starters you may want to look up Lawyers Council for 9/11 at www.LCfor9/11.org

I hope to catch a few (and listen for the ten days of archived talks from the weekend.) I have tried to listen to the talks before and ended up being charged the monthly fee until I remembered to cancel it.

Likely it all adds up to helping the conversation be fleshed out. I do not know what they will cover and am not endorsing it at this time. It is important to have a better understanding of all sides. We have only one earth and limited ways toΒ  interact politically. There are other realms likely playing into our experience and That is a huge unknown but also readily dismissed factor by many in the modern world who are ‘in charge’ and ‘highly educated.’ So the discussion hopefully will be widened… stay tuned