The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) Announces End-of-Life Doula Council Formation to serve people in their end of life needs and time of transition and after death care as well…
.Google for more information, and be ready to join the effort to help more people feel supported and connected to resources during their final innings of life, whether with transitions with more support as elderly or other needs present or the last stages of life are being faced.
The support for individuals and others close to them will grow and more people will be able to prepare more reasonably to ‘face the music’ of the human condition of transition and physical change andΒ ultimately separation.
Keeping the light of love, care and assistance strong throughout the process can require more energy and effort than most people feel they may have ‘at their fingertips’ or even in reserve.
That’s where a growing awareness of reasonable steps to take to prepare for such a time for oneself, one’s family and others one may be able to assist makes a lot of sense.
There are many resources online, including a free community level program through and many other agencies and outreaches helping people feel supported. Still it ‘takes a village (and that may be a lot of online support, funds and volunteers) to help understand and use systems and ideas more readily.
All the best as we venture into these next decades of caring for the many ‘aging baby boomers’ in the US and many others in our society and world with more compassion and creative care and practical responses.
A special shout out to Suzanne O’Brien of for her steadfast advocacy and professional outreach to encourage more people to pursue this line of work. I am one of the fortunate people who heard her speak about a decade ago and was able to take her online trainings as well as meet with her in person for some networking and review sessions in New York City.
I hope to share more in future posts, but encourage everyone to think about the gifts and responsibilities we all have to be part of the solution to the caregiving needs that are far and wide in our society, starting locally and thinking lovingly about the greater areas as well. Peace, light and love as well as connection with all working for the common good across the generations and the countries in our world.