When a father or male figure is abusing a family, that person needs to be held accountable. Too often victims are confused or afraid to get the needed help and moreover ‘helping systems’ too often add to that confusion or even blame the mother for not doing enough.
This could really be a game-changer. Let’s hope every state can look into this as well as promote House Resolution 72 which would prioritize children’s safety and give custody of children to alleged victims of domestic abuse. That’s a mouthful but all life-saving words and strategies..We couldn’t turn the Titanic around in time to save that ship but we have insights and power now to turn the systems to favor safety and better outcomes for Mothers and Children (who deserve to be safe and together…).
If in rare cases a father is being abused, then he’d get support..but too often even when a father honestly feels he is being abused (maybe for being called abusive in earnest by his victim who is Trying to get him to stop his pattern of control over her and the children …as well as finances and other aspects of having a home or children in common), he is actually the perpetrator. In CT the primary aggressor law would enlighten many to see the pattern of control and intimidation and threats of taking custody of the children from their protective parent, generally the mother, as a serious public health matter and shared concern.
Thanks for getting local non-profits, faith groups, courts and schools informed about these matters. If they can obtain the programs and educate some in their state that would have a great wave of ongoing improvements. Check the www.SafeandTogetherInstitute.com website for a discount of 25% on programs through October 31, 2018. See other clips on youtube also!
Check out info on The Safe Child Act on a separate site. Many efforts are working toward prevention and early intervention rather than ‘picking up the pieces’… Our Kids are counting on US All! Safe Kids International and other sites help promote these values around the world as well. Learn more also from resources and links on caprotectiveparents.org or com…Thanks for caring and sharing, especially as we are now at ‘Trick or Treat’ Time..let’s prevent the tricks and up the treats!