In this modern era of school safety,every student being accounted for at all times during the school day is a full-time consideration of many…the students ideally would be fully aware of the rules and regs as well as the reasons for them.
The teachers and coaches are held accountable by policies. Parents and Others weighing in are supposed to be tuned in and participate with the game plan as well, maybe even moreso in terms of monitoring their youth in and out of school, and making appointments for medical, dental and other needs in a timely manner and mostly after school or on days off from school.
But Back to Bathroom Monitoring. To have an adult or camera outside of bathrooms to see if a student actually goes to the stated destination is one idea.
Maybe there could be a key pad with a secret code to press when one is there and paired with one’s personal ID code. Considering hygiene is important so teaching that would be a great thing to review often. Then there is the idea to have a lanyard for the bathroom pass that a student would wear around their neck.
Ideally they would not harm it in anyway while in the bathroom particularly. Options may include the following I took a minute to think out after reading of fears of it being made unsanitary perhaps intentionally. So here goes thinking about bathroom back and forths..
At least everyone is thinking of all angles and worries before too long. Lanyards seem to be a concern..and yet many people wear them at meetings and group functions to as nametags.Some can be clipped onto a shirt rather than as a necklace.
If people could have a special cardboard that indicates the bathroom (maybe BR for instance or other code) they could slip that into the lanyard.
Having a routine of using hand sanitizer (like they have in hospitals) next to the lanyard and insisting people use it Before and After using the cardboard strip would be a big plus. If anyone actually were so lame to pee on it then a new one could be used…
Really everyone could have their own strip and as long at the teacher gave them permission they’d be able to use it. Same with a library or Office lanyard.
It seems if someone has a library pass but needed to go to the bathroom they’d be able to do so…or do they need to go to the library and get a pass from there to be legit?
Maybe more hall/bathroom monitors could be used to help keep track of whose going where.
What are the main reasons for wanting to monitor bathroom use or mainly the whereabouts of each student. If they are leaving a class it seems they would be expected back within a five minutes.