The timing of the country being focused on the Brett Kavanaugh nomination to the Supreme Court is creating a national conversation about experiences of many victims that were not disclosed or did not have a meaningful impact if they were.
We have yet to see what the outcome will be yet we are all tuning in to these matters that used to seem ‘personal or otherwise not meaningful to more than the victims, even if many felt their lives were impacted in horrendous ways.’
Time for some Good News, but again not the final vote: The US Congress House of Representatives passed Resolution 72 which would give initial custody of children to alleged victims of domestic abuse. Many may assume that already happens, but across the country it does not. The Resolution needs to be voted on by the Senate. I learned of this critical effort to prioritize the Safety of the Children through the CA Protective Parents Alliance (CAPPA).
Please take time this October which is Domestic Violence Awareness Month to learn more about important measures to alert your Senators about so we can celebrate this critical life-saving legislation to guide more judges and advocates to reform practices that have left far too many victims without support and sometimes claimed their very lives. We are learning and healing together, one country, all states and jurisdictions in a timely manner (at last!)
I share many other insights and welcome comments, even differences of opinion, on my blog, which has reached over 80K people, about half with a post Remembering Kaelan. The efforts I promote since his untimely passing when saving friends from the Housatonic River near the falls are to have safety plans with minors and parents, adults and communities clearly spelled out and followed. Let’s see how much fine tuning we can do to honor the legacy of those who have journeyed on ahead leaving lessons for us to learn and visions to bring to life.