October 2018 has been a big wake up call for our country.  Before his confirmation 51-49, there were 100 vigils in the United States protesting the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. #KavaKnowSoDoWe is a hashtag that came to mind to capture our informed concerns.
 We need to strive in elections as well as business and personal roles to understand the issues at stake as well as person’s character and assault record. Whether there are verified reports or likely ones such as through reports and hearings for protective orders even if not granted a business or social situation can weigh that in.Ideally anyone who has violated others will step down from any position or avoid a place that would cause concern. That would include forms of bullying or endangering or assaulting others (in one’s home or at work or on the road.)  The rising wave of accountability is needed to close loopholes that can endanger others or that indicate serious problems in a person’s integrity.
 Dr. Ford and millions in her footsteps of all genders and ages in our country and around the world, named or not, are holding humanity to a higher standard of ethics and practical living.  In addition everyone needs to be clear about mutual consent and actions in general regarding safety, preventing harm and having clear support systems. What would anyone do if they were assaulted in any way now that we know most people would expect better for all people and hold them accountable?
Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford represent the #MeToo movement conflict that played out millions of times around the world..a victim disclosing and having some support or unfortunately not being believed or validated.Putting the focus on a perpetrator and identifying ways ‘they’ (he, she, other) may actually believe their own view that the victim caused the assault or that it did not occur are key to the disclosure of such events to assist bystanders, judges to assess matter and even the perpetrator in getting help.
We will continue to have a national conversation about experiences of many victims that were not disclosed or did not have a meaningful impact if they were. The last bastion of business and politics protecting abusers has been broken.
 We are all tuning in to these matters that used to seem ‘personal or otherwise not meaningful to more than the victims, even if many felt their lives were impacted in horrendous ways.’ The options to disclose, prosecute or have other meaningful support or compensation is another field that needs a national conversation as well.
The laws that affect victims of domestic abuse vary state to state yet more efforts are being made to spread a basic blanket of support to safeguard children and in general, their mothers if they are allegedly abused and seeking custody.
Time for some Good News, but again not the final vote: The US Congress House of Representatives passed Resolution 72 which would give initial custody of children to alleged victims of domestic abuse. Many may assume that already happens, but across the country it does not. The Resolution needs to be voted on by the Senate. I learned of this critical effort to prioritize the Safety of the Children through the CA Protective Parents Association at caprotectiveparents.org.  #ShareUSHouseRes72!
Please take time this October which is Domestic Violence Awareness Month to learn more about important measures to alert your Senators about so we can celebrate this critical life-saving legislation to guide more judges and advocates to reform practices that have left far too many victims without support and sometimes claimed their very lives. We are learning and healing together, one country, all states and jurisdictions in a timely manner (at last!)
I share many other insights and welcome comments, even differences of opinion, on my blog, http://www.livfully.org which has reached over 80K people, about half with a post Remembering Kaelan. The efforts I promote since his untimely passing when saving friends from the Housatonic River near the falls are to have safety plans with minors and parents, adults and communities clearly spelled out and followed. Let’s see how much fine tuning we can do to honor the legacy of those who have journeyed on ahead leaving lessons for us to learn and visions to bring to life