My blog is and I have offered playful ideas about having women drive on even numbered days and men on odd numbered days…and see if that can help show differences.
Also as much as possible (especially on long or regular drives where there are options…) drive North at the top of the hour, South on the half-hour, West on the quarter before the hour and East on the quarter after. Drive the speed limit or less to show yourself and others you Can Do It and are learning that ‘what goes around comes around…maybe not to you but to Yours…
Would you want your loved ones to face someone with Your Driving Habits? Maybe people will run one less red light (those are in the cities mainly but plenty of small towns…) but maybe not pass for no reason. CHILL OUT if you are behind a ‘slow driver’
With practice, recording fast drivers going by with one’s own camera and keeping track may help find the major offenders..then call their Mothers. Basically there are a lot of high risk takers among the youth…and through age 30.By then a few have a relationship, child or something that has somehow helped them want to S-l-o-w D-o-w-n at least in theory. But people are stressed to get on with their life and don’t plan well to drive reasonably.
Livfully A little more insight into ‘why they are Living in the Fast Lane’ could be filled in by people from many walks of life. What are the main stressors..and moreover, how are people able to PLAN to Live Reasonably and Fairly with others in mind.Likely many have not even entertained the idea because we are “It’s All About ME!” Society…The United States of A-ME-Rica! (Like me get Rica or Rich!) I am making this up on the spot but sometimes ‘the time has come to think about the obvious.’Our lives are on the line so that’s a good reason to review some of the thoughts I’ve shared on driving and traffic problems whether in rural or urban settings…in 2019. Then people can think of Next Steps.
I have directed people from the Northwest Corner Chatter which speaks to matters in the NW Corner of CT but may pertain to others (and maybe now that it is a public forum can help enhance our connection with the wider world.) I have a few posts on about Safer Driving and Making Choices to be a Team Player, some serious and others more playful just for fun and to be practical.
For instance, BE HONEST about ‘running late’ and realize You Need to PLAN Better or Ask for Help. Lots of simple ideas can be put into practice today…so check out the post titles in the last few months and I’d welcome help getting a Table of Contents to share the ideas I have come up with over the last five years…
Meanwhile the kids who want to bike safely may have to find Safer Roads and places to bike on, and not risk it. There are bike trails, quieter roads, school parking lots and so on to enjoy. Maybe more schools could have some bikes kids could use so there wouldn’t be a need to transport them.
Citibikes in NYC are a great idea to have up in the country where the traffic is much more comprehensible…”Kind is the New Cool’ and “Kindness Counts’ can be mantras for all drivers and walkers. Practice in Great Barrington MA where the traffic is something to Pay Attention to (with pedestrians crossing Main Street, but even that is risky…)
Make sure drivers are really capable of slamming on the brakes hard and fast…not just be vaquely aware of where the brake is. Unfortunately while young drivers and immature people of all ages Speed, many elderly or others creep along or drive unsafely… so lots to consider and hopefully everyone would be open to having someone ride with them and give some honest feedback…and again if people fall short of that, Call their Mamas!
We could make lists of ‘smart moves’ such as not driving when tired or after eating a big meal (or not enough in terms of watching out for blood sugars… overall All Americans, especially if consuming sweets or alcohol, should get their A1C checked and be aware that many doctors ‘wait til it’s too late’ to inform people about PREVENTING Pre-Diabetes or Diabetes.
Currently common practice is to allow people to get serious blood sugar imbalances due to “metabolic syndrome’ A or B then treating as diabetic, not seeking ways to prevent or reverse one’s metabolic imbalances with Type 2 Diabetes.
See The Diabetes Miracle by Diane Kress and books by Dr. Mark Hyman as well as
Dr Phil is a Type 2 Diabetic I heard him share on television the other day…and he also recommends learning more about Your Health and How Your Body Functions. In terms of having health, look beyond the basics and consider how your life is going socially, with a sense of purpose, emotionally and lifestyle wise physically (with exercise and good healthy eating.)
Get Deep Restful Sleep to reboot our circuits. I am hearing a talk now about “Insiders Book of Secrets” online. Over the age of 60, sleeping pills may not be helpful (this is what they are sharing).
Those may be linked to falls and confusion and even raising a risk of dying. The restful REM sleep is important the spokesperson shares. You can get better rest with a natural remedy you can make on your own. Maybe it’s as simple apple cider vinegar but I haven’t a clear idea… I’d guess chamomile but I’ll see if there are reviews on the book.
The overall premise is that the FDA is in cahoots with some not so fair-minded team players but are more about profiting the drug companies with 58B in profits. Many say medical doctors cannot advise about natural remedies because they cannot be patented…and docs are not ‘trained’ to consult in such cases… None of what I am sharing on this blog should be taken as medical or legal advice, they are my opinions and relaying opinions of others.
There’s Tons to Learn about the blood flowing in our systems (and functioning of our pancreas and other key aspects of our metabolism) similar to learning about one’s car and how to maintain its safety (checking with a qualified trustworthy mechanic and checking oil in between oil changes, knowing what the lights mean and seeing some basic youtube about car maintenance and functioning as well as Safe Driving…)
Then there are many people factors to realize are also important, having safe calm drivers and passengers, planning for short reasonable trips at ideal times of day. Being aware people can fall asleep if working overnight or even in the early evening…particularly on a long drive. Okay lots to consider and the idea of this post was to Get the Ball Rollin’ and help everyone feel more Proactive… Best to all and play it safe!