This is a summary from some of what I heard on Strange But True Stories on youtube….Let’s explore together. Much resonates…

Star seeds—” Someone whose soul has a strong connection to another dimension “…This fellow is saying we are immortal human beings having a small mortal experiences…and have been around a while (and maybe a few times…) and that we are all multi-dimensional… It’s getting late but I will listen some more.

He’s talking about a call that was put out in the time of the 1900s when the nuclear power was explored and used. We are connected to the other star systems. Even though this planet is one of free-will and are ‘master spirits’. We forget we are connected to a greater source through the birth process.

We awaken as we remember. He recommends people study QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) that would allow the higher self to come through in deep hypnosis. Delores Cannon died recently this fellow says, so let’s take a moment and appreciate her work of many talks and writing 17 books. Many people have said that they come to earth at this particular time because there is a time of ascension.

I have heard a few others speak about this…Judy Satori, Eve Wilson and many others. I will post this now. This fellow says we are closer to being Harry Potters than we know… so this is very interesting… Here’s to having a lot of positive experiences… Best to all and stayย  with a good team of healing helpful vibes…