Along the way of cruising the web this morning I listened to the podcast about “Insiders Book of Secrets” which has theories that the FDA is maybe serving drug companies more than the people of the US of A…with some ‘Clinton Cartel’ connections in terms of where and how the money flows. I wasn’t listening to chapter and verse, but the overall idea was that many medical ailments maybe could be addressed at root causes with simple natural less expensive remedies than the medical industry would have us believe.
The American public may be kept in the dark about things that other countries use and people have used for hundreds of years to prevent problems from getting worse. Their candid take on how our Systemic Set-Ups for ‘going down the drain’ are worth considering..then ‘seeing for oneself’ and listening to friends near, far and online. Ideally trustworthy reputable sources. said the idea that ‘sour honey’ could cure or prevent cancer was ‘mostly false’. But I didn’t get a look at why that was so. CBD Gummies ads were touted to help keep one’s system humming and not tainted with THC, the pschoactive drug in marijuana. I hope to read some reviews and hear ‘what’s really worked’ and get a copy to peak through that someone may have as an extra.
Then I looked up the latest in various news reports…CT has a generous Family Leave Act to help new parents and many others give caregiving to family and have paid work, up to 90% up to 900 dollars a week of the regular pay. That sounded jazzy. Let’s see how it plays out.
Then in NY, there was a law passed to give Domestic Violence Victims 40 hours off (Not sure if that’s paid leave) to deal with safety, court and so on. This important legislation comes at a time when all eyes are glued to the ‘latest findings and development’ of the Jennifer Dulos CT case, the terrible loss of a mother of five in an apparent murder by her former legal husband and the biological father of her children and his ‘girlfriend’.
An amazing, capable mother and noted caring person, Jennifer Dulos, 50, went missing from her lovely New Canaan home on May 24th, 2019, after dropping her children off at school. These kinds of stories and many others that popped up reveal important dangers that sadly can be lurking in anyone’s otherwise ‘normal’ home or relationship setting.
Ideally people would have more warnings of ‘what to look for’ and which gut instincts to listen to regarding their personal safety. But there is a ton of cultural conditional and societal oppression to keep people ‘stuck or in denial’ when it comes to facing real threats and viable options longterm to get safe and break contact with an abuser (or more than one.)
There can be a chorus of implicit supporters for the abuser to ‘figure out his life’ and for the victims ‘to make their own choices and find their voices’. The idea of ‘respecting everyone’s privacy’ trumps the cries for help and even public court proceedings.
There are Court Watches that have revealed there is a general bias against females in the courts and even the social service systems. They are such good sports and feel powerless so it’s the easier route in many states and forums. Those trends for decades even with Violence Against Women Act standards addressing ways to reduce the harm and danger women and children face have done a great deal of damage.
The Human Rights violations need to be highlighted with more good men joining ranks to explore this difficult topic. Sadly sometimes women fall prey to delivering harm to other women when really all women need to be ready to see abuse a mile away and realize there is no wining when there’s an abuser or otherwise unbalanced person in the house (that would include those with substance issues and various addictions, gambling and high risk-taking, bullying and reckless driving among other things,)
So at least I am taking some time to share these ice-breaker topics. In the end there is a theme of those in control holding our society hostage via our combined stress, denial, need to succeed and leaving things ‘to the experts.’
Mapping out exit strategies from over-identifying with one other person or even a group is important for people of any age from children to teens to young adults and older adults. The core values and choices we make inform much of our lives such as Edgar Cayce explores in his works online and as summarized in the book Your Life:Why It Is the way it is and What you can do about it… by Bruce Anderson I think.
There’s also the age-old Wisdom of the Enneagram which explores 9 basic personality types..and many ideas on about this time as being one of leaving behind what no longer serves our higher evolution with love, peace, wisdom, and fairness as guides.
There can be various forms of ‘stepping back and assessing matters’ which also are explored on many sites such as by Delores Cannon and Jarred Hewett among others. Seeing the big picture can help many people feel more ‘at home’ with being human…when awake and even when asleep when a lot more may be going on than we are conscious of. Most can agree we all need good sound sleep. Ideally that would be in complete darkness (a towel or soft tee shirt can be helpful to wrap around one’s eyes, but a basic safety eye cover should be issued to any who need one.)
Black curtains (or plastic, again if safe) could be put over windows if there’s outdoor lights..and to allow for darkness in the morning when a lot of REM sleep happens in the hour or two prior to waking. That means different things for parents with young ones, but ideally each person could get some nights of Good Sleep and spell the other, every few days or hire a night sitter one trusts implicitly, has a background check, ideally someone you get to know over a few months or even years if possible (family, friends, etc and comes with current good recommendations.)
Using someone short-term during the day and building up repoire for any kind of job makes sense before making bigger commitments on either end. Seeing if people are a good fit for the job at hand and so on. It always helps to have plenty of support and back up so keep that in mind even when preparing to move, have a baby (even a second, another level of care) and so on. Now back to cruising but this time a Walk Outdoors! All the best to everyone facing these ups and downs whether in the news or in circles of their own.
We all deserve a team of support. Taking time to reverence the stories and lives of those we are moved by can be a healing aspect for moving on rather than feeling ‘there’s nothing we can do.’ Many with a gift and traditions speak to the spirit of a person being able to tune into matters spiritually even beyond physical death.
The wake-up call is being sounded far and wide not only with difficult news but with so many people taking the matter to heart and thinking “What can I do to help myself and others live and love with safety in mind? How would I handle difficult news or go through a time of separation or longer term due to legal and personal changes?
Who would care for each child and adult in our family whether a climate or personal conflict or change were needed, again short-term or longer. The idea of transitioning could be explored, even with sites such as TransitionTown which is about facing climate changes. These are the things it is no one’s job to make clear but everyone hopefully is working on quietly.
Those who have gone through challenges may find they have the human ability to face the music more than most…and thus can light the way with guidance for others ready or needing to know about Next Steps. Peace and Support to all and Love to Those Above who are still moving in our hearst and minds with dreams, memories, connections and guidance we hopefully can lean into, appreciate and share…