This difficult news hits the hearts of all who hear it…The word ‘hear’ is a big part of heart and may be part of the process some call ‘ascension’, wherein our heart center of emotions, intuition, lovingkindness and connection are awakening with ‘higher frequencies’.
Check out From Strange but True Stories (I think that’s what it was called on youtube) and Eve Wilson’s Riding the Wave of Change and many others such as Delores Cannon.
There are ideas that ascending is about remembering that we are immortal, indestructible, spiritual or soulful beings from a 5th dimension who come into this world and ‘forget as part of our incarnation process into these 3-D and third dimension bodies with personalities shaped by our families and cultures.
As I have had a few years to think about this over the past decade in light of having loved ones cross over as well as thinking of others who died when I was younger and others in wider circles and society, the possibilities abound.
Many concur with the essence of many spiritual teachings..that we are beings made for wise caring connection. The physical impediments to that (too little food and water, too much unhealthy food and drugs, too little sleep or movement, and too much media and busyness, etc, can clog up our receptors. If our brains are not functioning up to par, that’s another challenge. But if all systems are somewhere in the ball park of up and running, then we likely are happy enough to be part of a group effort and be fair to ourselves as well.
Then we are ‘humming along.’ The challenges of this modern world come from both aspects of ‘having too little and too much’. Maybe some people have both whether economically, socially, intellectually and healthwise…having challenges galore. I think of someone who was able to save her partner from dying with CPR after the person had had a stroke. The compromised person needed to be in a coma to be stabilized and then on and off meds and learn to walk, talk and so on all over again. The devoted caregiver went from having the ‘perfect life’ to ‘a very different set of challenges.’ Getting help and things in order has been the agenda since for a few years. Plenty of people lose loved ones who are perfectly healthy to car accidents, drownings or gun violence. The latter, while it is in the headlines and is alarming, claims about a quarter as many who drown, if that.
Those most at risk for drowning are people under age 5, and the younger the moreso, in their home pools. The concerns about gates and even coverings of hot tubs are well-founded, yet ‘not enough’ in terms of keeping children out. They absolutely need to be watched at all times. The safer bet would be to Not Have a Family Pool Until the Children are Over Age 7 I’d say, to clear that basic hurdle.) Ideally a neighborhood with pools could organize themselves (even trading homes if necessary) to have only older children in a family with a pool.
That said, maybe motion detectors around a pool when someone is not there could be in place, a watch dog or at least a video camera. Yet spiritually when it is ‘our time to go’ there may be no way to fight that and likely we shouldn’t be making that the goal. Living Life Fully may mean being a dream in someone’s heart (to have a child or care for someone some day…,or to be content with however long a pregnancy lasts…hopefully the lessons for parents and incoming spirit person were accomplished..and again if the spirit decided ‘it wasn’t the right time’ then there’s no holding them here.)
Keeping people in a coma for years may be a modern miracle but might also be a way for us to consider the idea that a person still exists on various planes energetically or spiritually. There’s lots more to share and hopefully most of this isn’t news to anyone in terms of the theories. But actually trying the ideas on and being able to process difficult twists and turns in our lives and wider circles is something more people can lean into.
Otherwise some people can feel they are ‘helpless’ and that the despair is taking them nowhere good fast…and some may want to ‘check out of the pain and misery.’ It can take months and years to be willing to consider these kinds of ideas. Doing so can seem like minimizing or dismissing the other human responses or reactions….Many programs for support do not allow much freedom or encouragement in considering the bigger spiritual implications. The sense of wonder and allowing may take the edge off of feeling vengeful and violated beyond what is comprehensible. Unfortunately many people can feel vindictive and wanting to harm if not ‘end’ the lives of those who harmed them. Energetically that really can perpetuate a cycle of violence.
That is where the modern teachings of Martin Luther King Jr, Ghandi, The Dalai Lama and many others over various traditions teach to ‘forgive and let karma take its course.’ That may be a way to consider what has happened in the past as influencing the modern times, person by person, family and group and town by town…History really may be playing out on the same stage with people as the same or related characters over time. I haven’t seen the Matrix but I think that’s part of the story there too. Most have heard of the theories in Many Masters, Many Lives. It is not the governments or even established religion’s job to comprehend these metaphysical possibilities…so the new understandings are taking root in many ways with people all over the world ‘waking up’ to them.
The modern arena of civilization strangely alongside the threat of nuclear war or other ‘galactic annihilation’ is a complex one. It’s great to enjoy the beach but not if a tsunami is coming…so we are in this major paradox of having things better than even yet almost everything at stake. The idea that many amazing ‘star children’ are incarnating at this time (some say those born after 2001 have a special aspect to their DNA which some call Human Noeticus, and that they will be able to handle the higher frequencies…
Yet also some may find this third world too dense and leave earlier too, possibly one reason for the drug overdoses and so on. We would like to think we could control the main causes, and I tend to be in that camp hearing that much is determined by our zip codes…so keeping the discussion going is what my blog attempts to do. Here’s to being brave and caring as the future unfolds, ten years after our teen son Kaelan journeyed from the earth plane to the spiritual one on 6-16-09.
Feel free to let his life and story of his courageous confusing passing helping save his friends from drowning speak to you…and share a comment about what resonates here or with a friend or in a journal where you can let thoughts flow freely like a river… Peace and light to all