Nice as it is to want to have a dog, it’s always a good idea to talk to others who actually have one to learn ‘what’s involved to train, feed, care for and otherwise keep track of a dog or other pet.’
One friend said to plan on a couple thousand a year for care for a dog…and get ready for vet bills. That said, maybe more dog owners could share their skills and introduce their dogs to groups of people who would like to be more connected to a four-legged buddy.
There are therapy dogs and I’ve known a few who have gone into schools or nursing homes. There is even a llama who makes visits to indoor venues including libraries, ‘of course!’
I didn’t think that would pass muster in CT, but apparently that worked. Now back to the dogs…Best to all who have dogs (and to those who have had them but had to let them go whether due to moves or changes or illness, having one ‘put to sleep’ or unfortunately lost to an accident (cars, etc.)
Those painful partings, whether anticipated or unexpected move our human hearts, whether family, friends or being compassionate..realizing the mortality not only of animals but of our own amazing physical existence.
The vaccine issue is looming large in our country and around the world, so again we need to do our utmost to understand the histories, advances in hygiene (better water and plumbing, practice hand-washing and eating well) as well as strides made with vaccines. But it’s not ‘a sure shot’ without serious consequences for a some, even fatalities.
That needs to be understood by more people so the shock of having very adverse reactions is not overlooked by ‘informed consumers’, the medical and legal arenas and society at large.
That said, I wish everyone support in sorting out what they can do legally and reasonably. The concerns in NYC about a measles problem have been met with a widespread vaccination effort and possibly a law banning the religious exemption. These matters merit more people’s attention now as the future is impacted by decisions made today. Now back to caring for dogs. As the Price is Right folks often say, “Please get your pets (and other cats and dogs) spayed or neutered to prevent unintended pregnancies. To me it seemed a subliminal idea to encourage everyone to be more responsible and informed about family planning matters.
Those ideas are discussed more on in various posts, but again the modern situations merit everyone’s attention and concern to help women feel safe and clear about their procreative abilities and legal options yet also merit far more support for every woman early on to make a decision and consider a life style that she feels safe and clear about which ideally would include not being forced or pressured even financially to feel she could not allow a wanted pregnancy or feel she would have to give her infant up for adoption.
Foster care ideally could include sponsoring a mother and child, with visits with the father as is deemed appropriate. In England they are limiting how much support a woman who has been abused can receive if she has a child with the abusive man. I need to research that again but the overall idea is that women who ‘fail to protect’ their children are unfortunately likely in a very difficult spot.
The various governments are starting to think of the realities, yet many Father’s Rights groups have a heavy political pull to keep the traditional ownership of women and children under the father’s control. This kind of concern is a major Human Rights Issue.
The Rest of Society needs to wake up to the generations of set-backs many people have suffered and give voice to a more informed set of caring ideas to help victims get safe and understand the complexity of the systems they may be caught up in.
There is not a guarantee a woman could get custody of her child even if she were willing to leave. Sadly CT is seeing that played out with an extremely violent passing of a mother of five likely at the hands of her former legal husband and the biological father of their children.
She was in the process of divorce for a couple of years and was living apart. While she was requesting protection it was not being granted initially.
US House Resolution 72 would create a safety net for victims to have initial custody of their children. Every state needs to do a follow-up. There is more research by Joan Meier and through Center of Judicial Excellence (CJE) exploring aspects of violence and homicide (of children) in a ten-year period.
This kind of information can help people face that ‘these are systemically influenced’ issues and problems, not only personal single tragedies playing out in their communities.
Today’s the day locally in the NWCT area to get dogs up to date on their rabies vaccine. Overall care for pets is important for everyone to tune into..since they don’t have voices and advocates.
The same goes for children…and while we would all like to think ‘the parents or other adults in their lives’ have that all figured out, there are many hours in the day, many days in the year over the span of anyone’s lifetime that need accounting for and figuring out.
The more ‘standard basic plans’ to provide for meals, care, transportation and programs, the ‘easier the job gets.’ That is seen one zip code to the next with great variations between what poor urban kids have available and wealthier ones whether in urban or rural settings. That said, more efforts can be made to bridge the gaps with great results.
Government, faith and civic groups are realizing more and more the importance of good care early in life to help give young people (kids and infants) a healthy start in life.
That helps parents and the towns too on many levels. So again with more attention to these ‘basics’ greater gains can be made down the road..
.Don’t forget to find ways to connect with the school and wider community in supportive ways whether through donations of time, talent, treasure, leadership or spectating and assisting families with encouragement.
A lot of little things need doing consistently to keep the home teams in shape and in the game.
There is an FFA Barbecue at HVRHS as well on June 9th, 2019..and for a Fundraiser Big Trucks Day at the Housatonic Day Care Center in Salisbury CT June 9th, 2019, as well.
Here’s to safety in all walks of life, on the roads and at home sweet home. Thanks for all you do for good ‘self-care’ (I saw a content young woman with a tattoo heart that had ‘Myself’ in the center of it on her arm… of course in NYC you see just about everything, but it takes a lucky moment to focus–easier to do on the subway with a carload of folks sitting still.)
Dr. Sha has ideas to start each day with a hand on one’s heart center with eyes still closed and say 4x, “The Divine Creates and Fulfills a New Day for Me” put a positive spin on what unfolds…and then there’s another step to ‘waking up, coming back into your body’ which is tapping that heart center for a few minutes (ideally) with a fist saying another healing verse, affirming love for one’s heart and soul and humanity, joining hearts and souls together for peace,love, harmony. He offers that you can also just sing “La lu, la lu la lee…’ and has a website, books and CDs to share these ‘simple’ techniques which can be very helpful as one starts and journeys through one’s day…
All beings have souls is what many traditions teach, and many say we were many of the forms before being able to incarnate in human form….and think a few new thoughts.
So here’s to all that…caring for each kind of creature and being good stewards of our resources, treating others fairly and with compassion…and “evolving with love” (which I typed at first as ‘evoliving’ so want to honor that message or even’ evolovliving’ as long as it’s a new day and still legal to make up new words and phrases…
Anyone up for a Communication Vacation or a CommuniVacation, maybe a Communication Retreat of limited or total silence for part or all of a day..
I know some who have gone days or weeks in intentional silence. That may be a goal for me to ease into but don’t hold your breath.)
. All of that can help prevent the kind of disease and mishap that befalls many, yet taking precautions such as getting the rabies shot is good medicine too. See more on many topics on