is a talk I heard this Sunday, June 22nd, 2019 at 7 am and shared on Facebook, so of course, want to share with all of you…This incredible woman, PMH Water has had a life ‘like few others’ that I’ve heard of in terms of both her experiences with Near Death Experiences (a few in a short span of time) and much more. Dannion Brinkley comes to mind and a few others..
But she does say ‘not everything happens by choice’, although she says in her book The Challenge of 9/11 from her understanding is that 2000 years of unprocessed pain was moved by that experience (and that the spirits of the people who were involved on all levels had come to usher in this kind of transition for our world…)
I know as a mother of a youth who passed suddenly trying to help his friends, that it is very challenging to think ‘he was born to die this way…” and to WAKE US UP which most do not even want to consider as a possibility.
Maybe that would require thinking about many things differently and even taking time to consider things and talk things over or be open to journal or pursue other kinds of ‘responses.’ So multiplying that by 3,000 people is a profound sense of ‘how impossibly hard would that be?”
With the modern world being as linked together through the media online and with television these times in our modern society allowed for more sharing with ‘something real in time.’
That was September 11th, 2001, almost tweny years ago. Now we can reflect on that time in our personal lives as well as our society and longer historical period ‘as the dust has settled physically.’ The realm of spirit and meaning can carry throughout the next twenty years and is part of our historical shared experience.
See more on the FB page Northwest Corner Chatter June 22nd, 2019 post I put up (and may add here soon) about some of her talk..It’s very worth listening too. She also shares at the end that we can get more centered by ‘simply placing our thumb on the tip of our pointer or index finger..( the one nearest the thumb.)
That can help one breath in their lower belly area..whereas clenching all fingers together as when driving or reaching for things can cause us to breathe in a shallow manner. I will mention that to Bob Green at Survive the Drive and maybe he can work that tidbit into his car and vehicle driving awareness and skills program taught at Skip Barber Racing School in Limerock CT on their track (with some very ‘convincing’ experiences about the impact of having to stop quickly can be even at relatively ‘slow speeds’.
The physics I believe is that even at 10mph to come to a complete stop requires 30x pressure so would be 300 lbs of force… that’s why it’s important to wear bike helmets since falling and hitting the road could cause a serious head injury…
The physics and such could be reviewed online and youtube..for now, just take time to breathe easy and envision being safe and everything going well…and so it shall. Best to all this Sunday morning and each day one awakens with gratitude and an attitude of ‘everything going well’ so that may happen more readily… What goes around really may come around, so invest wisely. (I know, easier said than done but it’s a good habit to practice together as much as possible with your environment and people in your life even energetically if they aren’t quite ‘there yet..’.)