Thanks for sharing this intriguing picture on Northwest Corner Chatter (hope that it is legal to do so..You could describe it or direct them to a site it is posted on officially too.)
Also for sharing your request for your need for cash.. Plenty of people have been in that spot. Maybe you can ask five people for loans of 20 dollars each (and agree in writing as to paying back with money or work etc…maybe help run a tag sale with things from a local give-away spot like a transfer station or ask people for donations.)
Helping move items around and making them available especially locally can help the small economy. Ideally everyone should be able to donate clothes and items to Local Tag Sales (with some bag sales and free stuff as incentives to keep things from going into recycling.)
Then leftovers, if not given to another tag sale for new folks to access, could be donated… Now this post alone is worth the hundred dollars, so let people know you have a great idea to share, and ask for 10 bucks..and if you make over a hundred, feel free to donate some my way.
I hope to have a paypal set up finally after many years ( I thought I had one but then think reviewing the terms of personal vs commercial and such made me feel I should look into it more..but other basic ways to get paid work too or do a or FB fundraiser..I do have one of those I started by chance, trying to see what was involved then posting and revising so it is now up on FB, Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton’s Legacy about the passing of our amazing teen son a decade ago as he helped save friends from dangerous water they should not have risked going in yet had the green light to ‘use their own judgment from adults’ not clear about river safety.
With many projects, personal or a more serious outreach…it ‘takes as long as it takes’. For a person or effort here are other support ideas:
Also work with local church and social service agencies to see what programs can help you (food vouchers, other people helping you do things to save on time and money, etc, again with a bartering mindset if you can take time to consider what your ‘outputs are’ (services, products, etc) as well as your ‘inputs’ (what you need to live, connect, reach goals, stay healthy etc.)
That’s Another 100 dollar idea (trust me I paid for these things..) then there are heap more throughout my blog, so soon you will have to hire someone with the bookkeeping and accounting of which ideas are creating a cash income stream….
So then you can teach others to fish for great ideas and make money off of them through donations or fees, or special deals, automated online options and so on. That’s one of my plans (and yet another 100 dollar business coaching tip.) Hope this is helpful.
.This has been helpful for me to do, so keep the first hundred in profit you’d give me since you took the first step with your post..and envision 100s and 1000s flowing your way..and that can help that happen in many forms, so feel the gratitude for real far and wide…
That goes for everybuddy in this game of life and moving energy and assets around…and planning ahead which is Another Way to secure peace of mind and keep assets going where you’d want even after you’re physically transitioned off the earth plane.
See Suzanne O’Brien’s program about End Of Life Planning with her “Peace of Mind Program”…for more on that soon and check for special offers on any program you’d want to invest in (and have a partner to help you actually follow through with keeping track of doing the program and mapping out your efforts in a notebook etc.) These are notes to myself as well.