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Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton

Feel The Thrill of Clinton Hill, Brooklyn: Block Festival Today to Celebrate Community and Remember Loved Ones

on Sat, 08/17/2019 - 13:07
Hello from the Brooklyn Clinton Hill Block Festival about to get under way... I have my 'Turtle Garden' Acorns to Oaks area set up...for people to come chill, enjoy some free books and toys for the kids..
.I'm promoting wearing Green with some razzle dazzle as people may be apt to draw on their own tee shirts or get one I've secured for a few bucks...or a bit more with an order of some that read Clinton Hill Growing Strong. Feel free to promote friendly networking in your area with such signs, designs and pop-up gatherings.
It's the new thing, that's actually a great old skill to

Nice footage of Dennis Gage, whose logged 2 million miles in his travels as My Classic Car TV Host, in all 50 states, including Falls Village CT!

on Mon, 05/20/2019 - 19:35
I just got to to see a rather special bit of footage of Falls Village CT on the FB page Falls Village Forum (and other sites such as The Falls Village Car Show FB page or the MY Classic Car TV Show site)...which could use a lot of wonderful people visiting and staying a while..ideally moving in with kids to enjoy Kellogg School.
Why not come to another Car Show or humbly hike the Appalachian Trail (from Georgia to Maine, with lots of wonderful day trips in the MA/NY CT corner area.) Keep the good vibes going and please be careful of any rivers flowing (the water is very powerful...not unlike

Are You a Creative Catherine, Kind (and Courageous) Kaelan or a Ninja Noah?

on Mon, 06/19/2017 - 16:29

Part of taking AVP (Alternatives to Violence Program) that is offered in communities and within prisons is to 'rename yourself'. I actually thought of using a adjective with the same starting letter or sound for my kids before this I think because I liked that Lavender and Leah flowed. I thought of Kind Kaelan back when our one son was young and always looking out for his others (mostly Sharing Sharon and Joyful Jessie  and Lovely Lanie (code name just to give the idea and get the overall point across).

These names still ring true and can remind me (and them as they choose) of those

Remembering Tom Drew 15 Years Later...2014 CT Magazine Article on Tom Drew Case--and my comments, a handful of many on various sites

on Thu, 02/19/2015 - 17:12



This can be better viewed in the following link on Google Documents:


Please take a moment to read highlights abouta very sad situation on google--The Tom Drew case which  has made headlines online and on TV since Saturday, July 21st, 2007.

Around 7:15 in the evening, Sat.