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Catherine Paton

The First Woman President of the United States of A-Miracle, Nov. 8th, 2016!

on Sat, 09/17/2016 - 17:21

Let’s put Hillary on Capitol Hill!

Hello from CT and NYC from a blogger and Mompreneur (A Mom whose always learning and doing a little outreach too). I am thinking of reaching people across the country Before the Presidential Election to help Hillary and other Democrats get elected, since CT State Representative Elizabeth Esty shared the critical need to do so at a lovely get-together in scenic Salisbury CT in early September 2016.

My free blog has been plugging along with sharing of both challenges like losing our teen son Kaelan Paton (‘93-’09)in a river episode and

Remembering Tom Drew 15 Years Later...2014 CT Magazine Article on Tom Drew Case--and my comments, a handful of many on various sites

on Thu, 02/19/2015 - 17:12



This can be better viewed in the following link on Google Documents:


Please take a moment to read highlights abouta very sad situation on google--The Tom Drew case which  has made headlines online and on TV since Saturday, July 21st, 2007.

Around 7:15 in the evening, Sat.

"Out-there" ideas Gems of Inspirit-ation for our Nation on site (for Veterans, Moms, Dads, Adults, and Kids too)

on Wed, 11/12/2014 - 15:27

Sometimes we forget to acknowledge the helpers along the way whether in person or print or online. I want to highlight a great resource for US-All and all countries on This morning I took an hour to share some articles from the May 2012 issue about Love and World Peace. See and the tips about the year 2032 being one of Golden Transformation for our world.

Thinking of how our Teen Son would have Loved Leading the Climate March in NYC!

on Sun, 09/21/2014 - 13:47


The Make a Wish Foundation made a strong impression on me when I heard of it a few decades ago. I actually had a good friend go on a family trip  to Disneyland with her cancer-stricken young daughter thanks to a spirited effort by one dynamic woman and others. That took the edge off the sad news that the young girl likely would not live long, and she died about twenty years ago. I saw then that dreaming did make a difference even in the face of the inevitable sense of pending loss

. Living in a small and caring communities whether in the Northwest Corner of CT, New Haven (near Wilbur

Someone all knew and as far as we know, loved...Robin Williams, may his soul be at peace and his passing remind all to ask for help early and often.

on Thu, 08/14/2014 - 05:01

While so many say 'there are no words', it seems to me, that we need to watch that sign of shock and despair and seek as we can to find ways to light candles of hope, healing and heartfelt feelings and words to encourage ourselves and one another to stay strong in the storm, when facing an abyss, to process 'what the heck has happened'.

The moment of 'finding-out' seems as harsh as the moment of someone's life ending, but really it is 'over' and the experience of learning about what happened is not as devastating as the fact that it happened.
