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CT Magazine

Remembering Tom Drew 15 Years Later...2014 CT Magazine Article on Tom Drew Case--and my comments, a handful of many on various sites

on Thu, 02/19/2015 - 17:12



This can be better viewed in the following link on Google Documents:


Please take a moment to read highlights abouta very sad situation on google--The Tom Drew case which  has made headlines online and on TV since Saturday, July 21st, 2007.

Around 7:15 in the evening, Sat.

CT Magazine July 2014 Highlights Erin's Law to Educate All Youth in CT About Personal Safety, At Last!

on Thu, 02/19/2015 - 15:20

There are many key aspects of our society and schools, faith groups and social groups that need a 'makeover'. Relationships are becoming better understood. The need for safety and respect is being highlighted. No one piece of information or policy will be a cure-all.


But everyone needs a fair start and support system for personal safety at home, work, school and in life. This includes privacy and awareness of sexual abuse which is what Erin's Law would cover for all children in school so if boundaries are violated, any child would have support in getting protection.


Many groups should