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The Blogpost that Changed the World Overnight, Wow!(written in a few hours upon waking up and hopefully shared with twitter and more folks chiming in ti fine tune)

on Wed, 07/20/2016 - 16:52

This long essay of sorts is better viewed with the following link.

 May the next Big News ideas be spread to keep folks safe, sane and sensible at each stage of life.

Whatever one's biological age,may logic and not only biology spur ideas and actions (which could be part of an overall game plan with team support and guidance!)

Check out scalar energy workonline and which has a book or two and youtubes talking about healing frequencies within everyone's reach and even over distances.

Meditation before Mediation can Help, as can Friends to Jot Ideas Down before and after even private consults with Mediator or other Helper in Conflict of Any Kind, small or large

on Wed, 06/15/2016 - 16:30

Couples could benefit from mediation


Many couples divorcing would benefit from a thorough explanation of the savings and benefits of using mediation. This is not done in a consistent manner, and too often adverserial attorneys end up pitting their clients against each other.


Often 'no contact' orders are put in place, and rather than allow advocates or friends seek information and explore options from on Building a Parenting Plan that works and other helpful books such as CT Friendly Divorce Guidebook, the divorcing spouses run high debt and rushed agreements, often

Helping the Homeless, those in Transitions, Wrongfully Put in Prison and Preventing Abuse (all in one post for your advocacy convenience for self and others..)

on Wed, 06/15/2016 - 13:27

I've met many a homeless in the NYC area and a few in Great Barrington MA and the MA/NY CT try-corner area and hope others are keeping an eye on 
any homeless (or houseless, even though one may or does own a house... but just doesn't or can't live in it.)

Maybe a few more folks offering help such as a van he could sit in or put his stuff in and transport from one end of town to the other from time to time would be welcome..just one or two nice folks helping him and maybe a few others could help turn the tide of his situation where there have been bumps in the road.

There are news articles

Would all Brave Young Women please Consult with Elders and Others and Make PLANS for safety (older women too, and it's never too late to try)

on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 21:55

Young women need to figure more than their figures out..whether for fashion or finance, most have NO CLUE WHAT TO DO when she becomes pregnant or seriously involved with romance or needing his help (rides, money, living arrangements, food, connection, yes even s-x)..okay so what is her PLAN with her MAN should she feel or decide she needs to be ALONE for a day, a week, a month or more...

Likely it's almost impossible to decide and find a ride (get help) to actually make a plan..and then to try it out even for a few hours (as in Go to the Movies, or Out with friends shopping or to eat if

Why So Many Smart People Lock Doors Instead of Helping People O-U-T of Bad Situations and Abuse, Even Moms with Kids....A Big Worry Few Wonder About as though No Clue That's Happening to 60K Moms Every Year!

on Tue, 12/08/2015 - 13:39

Sadly I learned of one of the rare cases of a mother having the life of the father of their child ended on a Forensic Files show on TV. The 38-year-old was desribed at an excellent pediatrician and one of the possible motivations was for the mother to have sole custody as well as a $500 thousand life insurance policy (which she was using $200 thousand for to pay off two hit men.) Thankfully the forensic information linking the two hit men to the scene was available ( a sneaker print on tile, some blood and hair samples on a sweat shirt that was left in a hotel room along with the sneakers.

