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Back to Basics Like Housing and Education for Little People with Help from the "Have's" Please!

on Thu, 09/08/2016 - 14:56

A couple with a child needs housing. This may not make the headlines but did make it to my attention. Their situation was one where a third party did not pay their share of the rent and they face eviction. Let me know at if you have ideas or funds to help them. I offered that they try a Go Fund Me and ask for help with some more advocates. Unfortunately being public and direct for certain needs can red flag people in many states for a DCF investigation. Online forums like FB can be handy for some things, but letting personal pressing needs 'go public' may do more harm than good.

That is where trusted advocates and friends are needed. Also funds are often tight from non-profits so more Personal Help from those who have the means or time to assist would be great for Many Endeavors. The most pressing matter along those lines is getting people to Vote for Hillary Clinton and more Democrats to preserve more basic human rights and programs to help more people succeed.

Too many Super PACs often linked with 'let the rich get richer' tactics will bankrupt US-All and leave the few glamourous folks to not only run their lives but run our country into the ground. I may not have 'every last detail on that' but have listened to many in the business such as Elizabeth Esty in person recently in Salisbury CT. She paints a Dire Picture for CT and US-All if Trump nears the White House and other Republicans swamp leadership and voting roles to make gaining ground on key human rights issues a luxury.

A woman I met recently who works for grant makers and non-profits said too many have a lot of 'fat that could be trimmed' and so there is an  Actual NEED for more people to REALLY help their neighbor or find other ways to get the Government to Do the Right Thing as she said they do in Canada and the EU, European Union. Health Care is not only practical to give everyone to help them stay healthy and 'able to work' but is something we All could take more Individual Responsibilty (IR, a new term I am hereby coining) with Team Support (TS) to NOT GET into bad eating, living or relating habits for months and years on end. Former head of WHO (World Health Organization) Tony Piel has written to the Lakeville Journal that affordable health care would be reasonable to give people through a system similar to the one had by WHO workers.

We need more practical knowledge. One senior in high school reflected on Trump's idea to force 11 million illegal immigrants out of the United States if he were President. She noted after studying the Constitution that such an action would need to be determined by Congress and not the President alone. The effort would be disturbing to the economic and social fabric of the country and would require extensive interventions and funds.

I was thinking that America has already been deficient in allowing refugees compared to other countries, even when many rural populations are declining and much of the country is aging and in need of caregiving and assisting those with mental health needs and recovery from drugs (and ideally prevention.) Of course more help in the schools would assist in decreasing the prison populations and overall, many ills could be prevented as well as tremendous gains made if 'we'd do the practical common sense thing of caring for ourselves and others as if we Could and and it Would Make a Difference.'

The majority of people are taught to 'mind their own business' and basically not care about others in more than a perfunctory manner just to 'keep their side of the street clean and their affairs in order..or in order to have affairs, as the case may be.  For the many people America has done in over the years in secret or unfounded massacres of people (aka wars with no justification, 'no weapons of mass destruction and who knows how many dictators and coups we've been behind)  it likely is high time we find ways to welcome in more people who are suffering largely from the way capitalism does business here and around the world. Giving all immigrants a way to become legal and finding ways to help people not have to consider such great risks needs our attention, helping their countries become more stable and finding ways to become a country ready to face the 'real enemies such as climate change and our own list of broken systems'. 

Also more options for HOUSING should exist in Every State. Because there is a shortage in NYC, many people can share a home. There could be more flexible and group-supported efforts like Habitat for Humanity, Co-Housing, Camping in warmer weather and allowing some trailer parks in every town (with a lodge etc for safety.) Construct, Inc in Great Barrington MA and Community Action Partnership (CAP) in Dover NY and NE Community Center  could inspire many efforts which libraries and recreation programs could assist with to help more families and adults feel included and supported with basics.

 To anyone looking to relocate, or needing to after checking with low-income places such as Sharon Ridge in Sharon CT, Salisbury Ct, Canaan or Cornwall Low Income housing efforts, Falls Village CT needs kids to live there and attend Kellogg and help keep the town vibrant. As long as one parent lives with the child, that would fill the requirement. Just thinking out loud but maybe that could be put on the option list and see if someone would host you (what a lovely idea..but trades and such can sometimes work.)

A huge set of needs would be addressed to form some kind of tri-corner coalition to help people afford to live in that area with many options and efforts collaborating. Dover sounds great with the CAP (Community Action Partnership) so hopefully that will help along with the NE Community Center (which opens many programs to CT and MA residents as do all libraries which could become more like Community Centers and activist hubs (what a 'novel concept' to meet many needs in one venue and not just for fun but to help people FUNction and survive in many practical ways.

A folder with practical info could be maintained with ideas and outreaches such as shared here. Anyone could benefit from such help wherever they are in life. I put some of this stuff on Hope things work out and more networks pop up and grow steadily--playgroups, parent networks, women helping women and guys helping guys, youth helping youth (to feel included and supported in their life journeys which sometimes can seem too much of an uphill battle if isolated, bumping into walls--even immigration hurdles-- and so on.)

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