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Herbal info for health conditions

Discover some great info and products for you and others at A friend told me about Sweet Ease (in warmer months only) and I was pleased with lower blood sugar numbers (not sure if it led to that but didn't keep it from happening)

on Mon, 08/15/2016 - 21:15

Who has ever heard of Ashwandaga? No? How about Neem? Maybe, right. Delight your mind with the eye-dea of Ayurvedic herbals to assist your body type with balance internally and physically, energetically and well, pracitically. I know very little but an intrigued (thought of spelling that as InTreegued since there are many healing ideas branching off one another in that school of healing.) I know a cool fellow who travelled  to India to learn about that and I believe is helping with a new place in Newburgh NY.