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Not Easy to Do Some Homework About The Clintons..Rather Disturbing so Until You Do Some Searches, Think Twice about Next Steps. Seems Trump also has more dark history than most knew..".What to DO?", asks me and you.

on Sun, 11/20/2016 - 16:36

What are the odds I would be inspired all week and take a half a day writing on about Forgiveness and Sprituality, and Then late at night, after reviewing some of for extra inspiration I tune into some of the FBI, wikileaks and and talk shows (Alex Jones I think if I recall), about the Clintons 'darker history'. I always imagined if there were something of substance the media (NY Times, Washington Post etc) would cover it. BUT I forgot the possibility of people in high places not allowing reporting or having connections that would silence such sources.(A few days after writing this I see there are allegations against Trump with at least one minor in the past, that's putting the headline very mildly.

More discussion about the deviant 'fix' some are seeking in all the wrong places, and criminally. Chill pills and strict environmental monitoring (as in not being around minors or others vulnerable to their power and control tactics would be a good start. See Critter Jitters and other safety awareness and self-esteem building programs for youth and women and men of all ages. Learning to be pro-active can take time and support, and cutting ties and patterns to being vulnerable again takes a lot of 'safety planning' plus team players to keep one 'safe at home, at school, in cars and out in the real world.' If everyone made a few strides in learning about such dynamics since the media does not and the message needs reinforcing whether it is learned briefly in school or elsewhere. Too many youth are abused in their own homes with 'no where to run or someone to turn to." IF a good mom tries to rescue their kids by leaving, often the courts will give them to the offending dad.

This is By Design (and covered in other posts but see for the overall brokenness of the family court system. ) Unfortunately that has not gotten the attention of the American public. Maybe with people in top leadership roles being Exposed for their ill will and crimes against humanity, more people will care about what is happening in their own communities.

The way of TRACKING (with basic numbers, not identifying information unless that is public and relevant) What has Happened and What is Going On in Every Community and State to get some Honest Assessments and Validate Victims with Acknowledgment of the Wrongdoing Done to Them While Society Remains Silent or Complicit is something I am discussing on in a piece about Forgiveness Codes. While violations and crimes are identified with penal codes (what a strange term when one realizes how much abuse is suffered across the board linked to various body parts or likely hormones, particularly testosterone and likely illicit drugs as well, unless charges are pressed and judgments rendered, the emotional and social repercussions are lost in the shuffle.

It is no one's job to say 'we don't want people to hurt others or to be hurt, and we care a lot about the victims and need to assist the violators so they can Change Their Ways or At Least Not Put More People at Risk. The latter means protecting victims at least, and ideally offering online or other coaching to help perpetrators learn to make better choices, mature and live in situations which help them get back on track with a more normal existence.

The model of mental health club houses aspire to offer people such support with additional programs (for those with a diagnosis of bipolar or schizophrenia or possibly others as well.) Those are voluntary but sometimes there are incentives to not be in jail or help with housing and jobs if one attends and complies with the guidelines. Ideally there would be separate times for women and men to meet or even separate rooms or buildings for those preferring that kind of program social setting. Many people seem oblivious still to laws about sexual assault, domestic abuse, intimate partner violence and more.

Reviewing those regularly could be part of our citizenship involvement. Sharing the information with friends and family or again, town by town would help to Reverse the Spiral of Disinformation or No Information that helps perpetuate the cycles of even poor health of body, mind and soul. Many facets of society could be stepping into the light of wisdom and practical remedies to help safeguard all youth and women, as well as more men from predators and educate people about the scale and means needed for reform. Now back to some of the Problems filling the headlines from the past and present of the Clintons and Trump  (and let's face, many in trusted roles.)

The tip of the iceberg from over the years and connections with unsavory characters  and practices were enough to make me Think Twice about Everything regarding them. Of course, more research is needed, but again, highly unlikely to produce meaningful evidence. Ideally everyone who supported Hillary will do some homework and form their own Think Tanks and then work with the new people, who let's face it, may be no better than the other option... but maybe okay to Try to Get Clear about some Basics.

I pray it's overblown, but fear it's not. The entire realm of sex trafficking needs our collective public attention and intervention also. Maybe this kind of news headline is needed to wake us up and spur us to action. at least to keep track of kids and ideally in safe, supervised public settings or with accountable women watching...and maybe men could just take extra measures if there are any concerns.

Not that all women can be trusted just because, they are women, but too often they are doing things for money or under pressure. Good grief. safe Kids International, and a few other resources can help us, See and sooner rather than later to Show You Care!

Now I am watching some astology about Donald Trump who was born June 14th, 1948 (the year Israel was established on May 14th... which happens to be my birth month and day. I learned that when I was listening to Derek Prince ministries regularly on the radio. He had lived there and adopted a dozen kids with his wife. They married even though she was divorced but it was not her desire, so he said that was giving them the green light to allow for their marriage, fyi.

There are many views in various religions about who can marry and who can't and for what reasons, or if an annulment is needed which says 'the marriage was never valid' in order to allow One Real Marriage. That is a Catholic teaching which hopefully can be reviewed and simplified (and not cashed in by those in charge as is often the case.)

But back to President Trump now..Online I was hearing an astologer predicting poor health and a possiblility of  'assassination'.  That was by GianPalo de Cocca about 5 months ago and now a month ago almost 100K watched an update. Okay, worth noting and who knows maybe with warning extra measures can be taken. What kind of bad news would any of us want a warning about if it pertained to us or someone we care about?

I know I had dreams which prepared me on a soul level for what sadly came to pass for one of my kids. I mention that in another post, but I think the divine or a higher consciousness (which can maybe intuit the future) was preparing my real world self to be able to cope with very devastating news...which was that our teen son Kaelan Paton of CT was missing in very dangerous water on June 16, 2009. I hope to find ways to do more outreach to Help Others Prepare for Unexpected Events and Bad News...with hope to see the bigger picture and plan that we maybe do not die the way our society espouses we do, and that our energy and love see US-All through.

The clouds of physical or emotional harm from others (or ourselves) cannot block the sun of love and truth. This theme is throughout most grounded philosophies, and faiths, yet too often parts get twisted to the point that some 'leaders or trusted folks' take the ball of power and run toward the wrong goal. That is likely the definition of not only mental illness but spritual maladies. Okay, so I explore some of that on a post on .

I watched a short video by Blair White called Watch this if you were Shocked Trump Won also, which hit on some important points to consider.For now, it's back to the inspiring talks and catching up on lost sleep. Prayers and affirmations for safety, peace, sanity and well-being for the greatest number and for the distorted thinking and spiritual direction of those stuck in the muck of misusing their temporary power to harm others to Change Track and Get Help are offered too.

Peace, love and light... See Dannion Brinkley for some inspiration along those lines too, and his books  such as Saved by the Light which are full of predictions and a path toward healing our hearts and minds so we can transition peacefully 'when our time comes.'

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