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Great Guthrie Thanksgiving in MA, Hope Yours Was a Delight as Well!

on Fri, 11/25/2016 - 00:33

The Pilgrims landed in Plymouth MA in 1620, according to a friend who knows history off the top of his head and is related through the grapevine to an original settler of the states of MA and CT.

Not everyone with such connections takes the time to look it up. I hope to pursue more historical family tree and by association area and state roots with more time in historical societies, reviewing geneology and reconnecting with family and friends near and far.

Once back in the 1980s, I travelled out West to see tons of family on my Dad's side out in New Mexico. Happy Thanksgiving Coast to Coast and likely with the most political discussion gatherings have had in ages. At least we're talking and thinking out loud in groups.

Tom Hartman, who a wise older woman in her 80s watches on television regularly for some astute insights into all matters political, spoke about Ralph Nader's new book whic promotes people organizing state by state (and in smaller regions) in groups of a thousand (and Tom said even a hundred would be a good start) to form coalitions and become more directed in their activism.

Overall, maybe Nader was saying a total of 450,000 (or was that 45K or 4500 in Tom's scenario) becoming aligned with consistent talk and promotion of practical solutions to help lead the way to a better balanced world.

Now these are some off the cuff summaries, yet it reminds me of the wisdom that 5% of a swarm of bees numbering 10,000 are actually Directing the Swarm. Don't just be a a Leader Bee!

On a yummy note, the ninth dinner at the Guthrie Center which was featured on television attracted a native visiting from NJ along with her son who is now from Wyoming! I happened to have gone to high school with her.

The other day speaking with a close pal from Texas, she mentioned this woman and I said I remembered her and was happy to know they knew each other and had visited last summer.

What are the odds she would be there and thankfully recognize me (I didn't immediately do so which means we do have different abilities even with face recognition.) I gave her a hug once and again after talking.

She has two sons and seeing her there enjoying the meal reminded me "this is what it would be like if our son Kaelan, who would be about 23 now, were alive and out enjoying the Berkshires."

I know other families who have had their teens or young adult folks head off 'seemingly early in our opinion' to the other side, but with the many programs I have seen, that Was A Hello from Heaven. The prompt to remember maybe comes from the spirit and it seems 'we are thinking of a connection' when really it's us receiving their message. That is a Possibility and one I touched on with another woman who was remembering her mom who journeyed on 4 years ago after a fulfilling life.  

The woman in early midlife, was a delight to talk with even about such a delicate subject. When I asked if she trusted there was still a connection, she assured me she was finding comfort in the Journey of the Souls book by  Newton.

So there you have it, from beginning of the meal with greetings from old friends, making new ones, helping with little ones and seeing smiling faces on elderly folks including a fine-dressed woman being pushed in a wheelchair behind Arlo's huge motorhome on rough gravel, every moment was like a good movie being made.

The food was really delicious, with one fellow chomping into a huge drumstick with caveman delight and many cool Berkshire folks indulging in hot turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes and stuffing with gravy (as desired) and sweep potato chunks, bright string beans with red pepper slices,rolls and buttah, cider, tea (raspberry gave me a moment to ready myself for the wonderful meal and time to serve meals to some on the stage with a tot to keep the peace in the cozy room abuzz with cultural, friendly and even legal aid activism sharing. (See Berkshire Legal Aid project with Eve Schultz who announced the non-profit is available for consults.)

Initially I thought I 'd join in the Pilgrim House Community Thanksgiving in Canaan Ct, with some family. Then someone asked if I could perhaps pick someone up about an hour away. Then when I didn't hear back, another couple of friends were encouraging me to go to the Great Barrington (Housatonic) MA meal. That won out in the end, and felt that was just right, as likely would have been any other. I enjoyed the Macy's 90th Parade coverage on television rather than opt for seeing it in person, even though that was also an option I had.

With an open house at a friend's in Fairfield Ct Friday, I was going to go from NYC directly to Fairfield rather tha swing up to Wassaic by train. I took an extra day to allow for an easier pace and enjoyed a day of shopping and chilling out with family up in CT before Thanksgiving...which I was thankful to have some options (and a few days to hone in on the pros and cons for charting a social and practical course...all without cooking.) I did do some shopping late Wednesday mostly to stretch my legs indoors.

Bumping into a friend, we were able to recap the gift of being able to help friends in need who cannot walk and maybe not even talk easily. I got to visit one such friend after dinner and see his dedicated family and care team putting in endless hours and days of amazing care, all with style and smile which he returns even when he gets feeling a bit more challenged or sick.

Talk about true inspirations and heroes for US-All. Each person in such need deserves a team of volunteers supporting the caregivers, helping find extra relief help or transition people if someone needs time off (or stops working all of the sudden, which unfortunately happens more often than people can seem to prepare for.

The result if an increased work load for those closest or within hollering distance. Anyone wanting to start the Back-Up League will likely be nominated for a Peace and Wisdom Prize, as of course should those with the special needs and their caregivers!!) Hugs all around and time to take one of those walks if it's not too cold or even march (or dance) indoors, which I think I will do next to help keep the blood sugars happy. I am thinking of each of you and hoping you have time to take a few deep breaths and feel grateful for the beauty of life and many blessings from the past, the present and those coming your way in the present.

Please drive safely (and consider there will be 48 million folks travelling this holiday weekend..and 19 people died in 2015 on this weekend with 13 related to alcohol..that was just on the news.So If you  Booze, Do not Cruise...if you do someone could Lose their life or well-being. Hugs for the holiday (and yourself) are presents easy to give and recycle (with permission from the other, so ask and wait and only for adults.. and kids if parents present so they don't feel too weird someone mentioned in passing.) Side hugs work better to keep things less confusing too if there's a question too and basically reserved for little kids related to one makes sense until one is clear with parents. Not easy to switch to that if one is a 'hugger' but basically that's a sensible plan in this day and age... 

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