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Howdy to Facebook Friends and Founder Mark Z on His May 14th Birthday Too), intro to Following Post below about Our Beloveds

on Fri, 05/12/2017 - 13:47

Okay,so some mornings I get a few minutes to wax poetic and Then Some. Thanks to all who have been part of my journey Thus Far.

I got inspired by seeing the letters for 'evolve' in the word 'Beloved' which is on Kaelan's headstone as it's also on my Mom's and really is part of Everybody's headstone when thought of kindly by their loved ones...

I've often thought what a miracle it is that we Can have new people come into the world in such an incredible manner...and while we have All been Born, we hardly have time to think about it individually or collectively.

I like to use other terms than

Are Our Beloveds Helping Us Evolve With Love, Is that What It's All About?

on Fri, 05/12/2017 - 13:18

This Sunday May 14th, 2017 finds the United States (and maybe other countries since we are very international online and good ideas catch on and people travel and have connections around the world) it's Mother's Day!

A Big Kahuna Post about Incarnation, Birth, Life and Death and Beyond...(that's all)

on Tue, 05/02/2017 - 15:16
Happy Birthday this month (of May 2017 which happens to be mine and many friends, but really it could be Any Month of Any Year since about 9 million share any given day and times 30, 270 million each share a Month. See other posts on ways to celebrate each year of life along one's birthdate terms.)
So Happy Birthday to everybuddy in the US-All coast to coast and N, S, E and W (in the world) and for the rest of the year too. When we join the get-together here on earth some say we 'incarnate when born, maybe with our first breath."
This post is super long,s o only read if not driving or

A Big Kahuna Post about Incarnation, Birth, Life and Death and Beyond...(that's all)

on Tue, 05/02/2017 - 15:16
Happy Birthday this month (of May 2017 which happens to be mine and many friends, but really it could be Any Month of Any Year since about 9 million share any given day and times 30, 270 million each share a Month. See other posts on ways to celebrate each year of life along one's birthdate terms.)
So Happy Birthday to everybuddy in the US-All coast to coast and N, S, E and W (in the world) and for the rest of the year too. When we join the get-together here on earth some say we 'incarnate when born, maybe with our first breath."
This post is super long,s o only read if not driving or

A Big Kahuna Post about Incarnation, Birth, Life and Death and Beyond...(that's all)

on Tue, 05/02/2017 - 15:16
Happy Birthday this month (of May 2017 which happens to be mine and many friends, but really it could be Any Month of Any Year since about 9 million share any given day and times 30, 270 million each share a Month. See other posts on ways to celebrate each year of life along one's birthdate terms.)
So Happy Birthday to everybuddy in the US-All coast to coast and N, S, E and W (in the world) and for the rest of the year too. When we join the get-together here on earth some say we 'incarnate when born, maybe with our first breath."
This post is super long,s o only read if not driving or
