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Howdy to Facebook Friends and Founder Mark Z on His May 14th Birthday Too), intro to Following Post below about Our Beloveds

on Fri, 05/12/2017 - 13:47

Okay,so some mornings I get a few minutes to wax poetic and Then Some. Thanks to all who have been part of my journey Thus Far.

I got inspired by seeing the letters for 'evolve' in the word 'Beloved' which is on Kaelan's headstone as it's also on my Mom's and really is part of Everybody's headstone when thought of kindly by their loved ones...

I've often thought what a miracle it is that we Can have new people come into the world in such an incredible manner...and while we have All been Born, we hardly have time to think about it individually or collectively.

I like to use other terms than 'infants, babies, little children, or even kids' because the Latest (and likely Greatest) new insights (which of course are ancient but Somehow we Don't really hear about them in modern times...) is that if we Live Many Lifetimes, the people born to us as 'children' likely were in our lives long ago And were probably Our Parents or Helpers.

Logically they would have Had to exist Before us so that we could mature enough to welcome them back in.

I like ushering and the idea that Everyone is an Usher, helping people through life if not as a parent, creating that pathway for a new being (physical yes, and spiritual again, very likely and Not Something we are giving a few minutes to think about.) Maybe Let's Try to do that with a Five Minute Reflection Time Upon Awaking (Even with Eyes closed since many say this is a very special time to transition from a more spiritual being to the operational human being in the physical world' being...rings true, doesn't it?

Okay, need to post now so I can take in some of the Beauty of this May day...and again, Happy, Happy to Every Buddy and Pal near and far. One song that's coming to mind I will encourage folks to google is 'Jennifer Gentle, Fair Rosie Marie.. it's a song about riddles which all out kids liked too, especially Kaelan'. I think it's on a Folk-Legacy record by Ed Trickett.

Now don't everyone call Caroline, let's google it on youtube. I might ask my dear almost 85-year-young mother-in-law. Also I loved hearing that song in a small folk circle in the Falls Village Town Hall (Coffee House) and meeting little Emma who at 4 or 6 sang Rudolf perfectly.

I thought I'd love it if my kids would grow up and like singing..and that certainly has hatched out. There will be a lot of music in the village this weekend too so enjoy the vibe and maybe sing along with a folksy song to join in that energy, knowing some in the heavenly band will be doing the same.

Maybe more annual concerts to share a collective time of community appreciation of those who have journeyed on and those thankfully here to keep things going and join in the life force could be held, with an intermission of good eats and socializing in between for about a half hour....

If inspired to do so, check out a part of the memorial service on youtube of Kaelan since that captures the spirit of love and continued blessings I hope you are still feeling in your circles today. Well be having a festive family reunion to enjoy many happy events in our large extended family before too long and just getting together for a lovely meal and time to chat last year was 'worth it' too.

Even if physically getting together is a challenge, calls, cards and emails (and FB) can go a long way to help friends and family stay connected, so hopefully all can encourage folks new to that idea (or cell phones which by the way, Can Save Lives with 911 calls or other handy info too.) Okay, time to sail forth into this sunny day. For the record my real bday is May 14th which is Mother's Day this year..

"Happy Mother's Day to all Moms --however one defines that special role--and to mine in the heavenlies whose got lots of good company from over 80 years of being a kind, amazing kind of person with many talents and almost as many kids and friends." HugEnergy, Catherinicus


Upon my May 12th arrival to CT, I heard Doug Tallamy of the Salisbury (Speakers) Forum (see their site for upcoming events) share key WARNINGS that we MUST Plant the Right Trees to Keep a Food Supply for Moths (in their catepillar stage) to Sustain the Bird Population.

You can find a list of the exact kind of trees to plant and save (like oaks, pines, willows and cherries I believe) through the National Forestry Association (NFA I think). There are listings for each state and county which one can find by inputting a zip code for that area. Another insightful ecologist shared we could consider the need to account for the warming trend and plant (a zone lower)..maybe in addition to what Professor Tallamy recommends in his book Native Lanscaping.

I likely will write a post about that but instead of birthday presents and parties Think PLANTING TREES!

Then I was able to get to the Olga Dunn Dance Event in Great Barrington MA at the Beautifully Restored St. James Church. On Main St it also greets people. It's available for private rentals too and is up to code on all levels. Olga Dunn doesn't age only to get better like fine wine (not that I drink...but the do drop into one of her upcoming events or send Donations to Support the Amazing Artisitic Contribution she and her company and supporters have made in the tri-corner MA/NY CT area for decades. Very inspiring (and even perspiring!) 

The other hours of my wondrous weekend amidst the well-watered lush green hills and fields of the area were filled with church services, one welcmoing a new minister officially to the area (installation service). Welcome Pastor Trip Weiler III to the Greenwoods Community Church in Ashley Falls MA. His birth name is Milton which isn't his favorite but is helpful to know in terms of his nickname. Some travelled from a few hours or more to attend, including a minister friend who had helped plant the seed of the the idea of becoming a minister rather than a worship leader. Then What A Trip It's Been for Trip and his talented, caring family!

That same minister friend Dave from PA shared the idea that a pastor is to work in balance with the congregation to perform the duties of 'caring for a flock'. Each person has their role and talents and abilities yet they are to be exercised in concert with others. The idea could be extended to mothers, fathers, students, teachers and workers and people in general. We work best together in groups with support. Some call this a community or sangha, a learning or living guild or neighborhood..or a family of origin or choice or a church body. A strong note of connecting as community and exploring more ecumenical efforts was encouraging to hear as well. Not always easy and sometimes the 'deeper work' of being honest, kind, thoughtful, meaningful and helpful to one another comes about when we are busy doing our best and not realizing we don't really have it all figured out.

Being humble enough to be honest, day to day or as life unfolds and that's a real option (maybe journaling or exploring safety options for anyone and everyone, not pursuing legal justice or taking extreme measures unless someone's health or safety--Including access and custody of their children is a concern--is an issue.

The analogy of all body parts working together was also used and one that again can help each person consider they have a lot to keep in touch with even within their own 'personal sphere of influence.'

Dr.Sarno's books explore the importance of the subconscious and being more aware of what we know we don't know...or tune into our deeper feelings and beliefs. 

Mother's Day was a pleasant day all around, with the quiet Sunday vibe which usually extends to a city environment as well. Could we ever have a week of Sundays? That's likely 'vacation' for many and some take those closer to home and use to connect with people and projects.

A very special 'last gathering' of Indian Neck Folk Music Weekend at Camp Freedman in Falls Village CT included a memorial round-robin circle of songs and remembrances of Jay Hartman-Barrier, a woman of many talents and much loved by many. Blessings in the beyond to you, Jay, and thanks for sharing your talents and humanity with those in your circles which extended far and wide (one couple I heard share they returned to the festival for a few years running from California. Others close to Jay came from the Northwest of the US-of-a-Miracle (let's hope more so than not) and Nova Scotia, and DC so love from the four directions were woven together in the practical as well as the poetic ways. When I was driving a short way afterward, I heard a talk about the music of Twin Peaks from a couple decades back. That brought to mind a friend with a few kids who said she loved the show. Even though she was into Waldorf Education and all things holistic, she liked the creepy show as did I, but I was watching Dana Ashbrook as a family friend so always tried to keep in mind it was a show. Considering things from all weird angles through one's twenties and thirties (especially in an isolated small town of the country with few media connections or channels on TV) was a part-time job. I still don't watch much television or media or even hear much news, so whenever I share insights sometimes I see something that relates and figure I'm pretty much in sync with the times anyway. I will say the idea of Checking in With Every Woman and Youth, and yes, Man too to see if they need support and want to craft a safety plan makes a Ton of Sense and could Break Down Walls Not Protecting People in Their Own "Homes." All College and High School (and earlier level graduations and end of school talks) could Promote the Voluntary Self-Screening (yes, I will make a post on this too) to help people Tune Into whether they have felt safe IN the Past or if they do so Currently. When there have been episodes of instability (economically, socially, romantically, jobwise or otherwise) that can create a climate of challenge and ongoing imbalance (particularly if Those People or situations are Still Factors in One's Life.)

 Forming a Business-Type partnership, a club or other less serious and lifelong complicated legal connection of legal marriage may be very helpful to more people than not.

Unfortunately one out of three 'self-identified monogamous people' are Not Monogamous. That means one or both are secretly or openly 'cheating' or 'being sexually involved with someone' (according to CDC-Center of Disease Control.)

Even if someone Thinks there's no problem, they can get STDs or AIDs from their partner if that person has been infected. This kind of nuts and bolts talk is not shared in practical ways, and people can find themselves in a downward spiral of loss and confusion where important details like physical, emotional, financial and relational safety get lost in a FOG (fear, obligation, guilt.)

(The current pressing plight of the declining bird population comes to mind and again, their pattern is the Warning Light for the decline of our natural environment on which we all depend for Basic Survival!!)

Taking a day, a weekend, a week or More away, monthly, bi-monthly, quartely or semi-annually or at least annually are all important OPTIONS to put on one's safe, private calendar or to talk over with a trusted friend. Once one has peace of mind and can screen things in a meaningful way much can come to light. That's why I am sharing this and spelling terms out in black and white as I do in Many Posts.

Getting to see all of my kids by day's end back in NYC, I was given a physical gift of Meditations for a Clear Mind, something I look forward to 'not only listening to but experiencing'...

Greetings then from the first day of my next journey around the sun with all of you as part of that unfolding gift. Now, Let's Get Planting! The birds and our population are counting on us while the precious moments are ticking away! Tick, tick, tick, tick

PS A kind graduating shared just now, "Everyday should be Mother's Day" I agree and hope we can extend that to Father's, Children's and Everybuddy Else's as well as Everybirdy's Day on Mother Earth and Mother Heart..the two beat together, our hearts and hers with the Divine smiling on US-All as we turn toward the light of love, wisdom and digging in with both hands with the common good in heart and mind.

Peace and love to one and all.. we can (and Must ) get a handle on this 'itchuation here and's worse than PI (poison ivy which yours truly got a bit of on wrists and fingers making the typing more challenging but still Worth It!)

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