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life and death

NYC Marathon 2017...Tremendous Kudos...but also time to think about Texas Losses that same day, 11-5-17

on Tue, 11/07/2017 - 15:33

While I can be shy sometimes..well, maybe just busy and not finding a way to post something important or timely on my blog, Sometimes, Life Beckons..and I have to Make The Time.

While I wish I could say I was mainly eager to share the enthusiasm for the NYC Marathon and find ways to help US All really tune into the amazing people running or otherwise covering the 26 miles (such as those professional wheelchair folks who were mainly peddling with their arms, including a much older woman), I have to focus first on the sad news of the 26 members of the church who died..and the unbalanced person

A Big Kahuna Post about Incarnation, Birth, Life and Death and Beyond...(that's all)

on Tue, 05/02/2017 - 15:16
Happy Birthday this month (of May 2017 which happens to be mine and many friends, but really it could be Any Month of Any Year since about 9 million share any given day and times 30, 270 million each share a Month. See other posts on ways to celebrate each year of life along one's birthdate terms.)
So Happy Birthday to everybuddy in the US-All coast to coast and N, S, E and W (in the world) and for the rest of the year too. When we join the get-together here on earth some say we 'incarnate when born, maybe with our first breath."
This post is super long,s o only read if not driving or

A Big Kahuna Post about Incarnation, Birth, Life and Death and Beyond...(that's all)

on Tue, 05/02/2017 - 15:16
Happy Birthday this month (of May 2017 which happens to be mine and many friends, but really it could be Any Month of Any Year since about 9 million share any given day and times 30, 270 million each share a Month. See other posts on ways to celebrate each year of life along one's birthdate terms.)
So Happy Birthday to everybuddy in the US-All coast to coast and N, S, E and W (in the world) and for the rest of the year too. When we join the get-together here on earth some say we 'incarnate when born, maybe with our first breath."
This post is super long,s o only read if not driving or

A Big Kahuna Post about Incarnation, Birth, Life and Death and Beyond...(that's all)

on Tue, 05/02/2017 - 15:16
Happy Birthday this month (of May 2017 which happens to be mine and many friends, but really it could be Any Month of Any Year since about 9 million share any given day and times 30, 270 million each share a Month. See other posts on ways to celebrate each year of life along one's birthdate terms.)
So Happy Birthday to everybuddy in the US-All coast to coast and N, S, E and W (in the world) and for the rest of the year too. When we join the get-together here on earth some say we 'incarnate when born, maybe with our first breath."
This post is super long,s o only read if not driving or

The Time of Our Lives, Flowing by Like a River..and Playing Out in Real Time With Thoughts, Words, Deeds and Ideas

on Wed, 05/18/2016 - 22:33

Ed Trickett and a number of other folk singers (some from Folk-Legacy Records which now has its music on youtube such as  Ed Trickett's Gently Down the Stream of Time) sang at our teen son Kaelan's memorial service (July 2009. about a month after his passing from trying to rescue a friend from a fast river. His friend was saved by a rope rescuer moments  after Kaelan passed awa in the water.
