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From Over the Decades, The Acorns To Oaks Team Outreach Grassroots Effort by Catherine Palmer Paton

on Mon, 05/22/2017 - 18:20

Finding one's message and one's voice can take a while. Many coaching experts say 'your message and delivery, indeed 'everything about You and Your Brand (yes the two can be inextricably linked)' needs to relate to Your Audience, Your "Ideal Client", Your Tribe. (Have you ever heard this on internet outreaches or from motivational speakers and business coaches?

Whether "You" are a person, a part of a group, a non-profit or a for-profit (not necessarily turning a profit or a high ROI--return on investment of not only money--maybe from friends, fundraisers, donors, investors and your own sweet

To All the Famliies Missing Their Kids in others missing loved ones. We can't be apart if they live in our heart...

on Sun, 05/21/2017 - 13:47
The other day a friend was walking out in the woods as the sun was setting, Her dog was being playful and she stopped to tune into him. When she looked up she saw a beautiful sunset with the sun streaming through the trees. A space in the trees letting the sunlight pour through was in the shape of a heart. She felt her son who passed last month as the driver in an accident was telling her, "I love you, Mom." With a talent for sketching, she captured the beauty she saw and shared it with friends online. Can't you just feel the love pouring through such a moment?
Sadly many people are stuck in

When Someone is Rude, What DO You Do? Try a little pause and walk away, but not publicly announce on Facebook etc

on Sun, 05/21/2017 - 04:26

Imagine if you will, an adult person taking kids to event that could be fun, educational and nutritious on a lawn in the middle of town like a tag sale.

If they were there to set up a small booth to sell their own families' goods as planned but were met with the person in charge being rude, not finding time to direct them or tell them they'd need to wait for (5-10 or more minutes Please), they could be offended and decide to leave for good.

Not come back later or maybe even not another time...and then if upset enough, might think to post on Facebook not only about their basic experience but

Spring or Other Season Great Time to Learn About and Play The Turtle Garden Permaculture Game (TGPG). Copyrighted of sorts by Catherine Palmer Paton

on Fri, 05/19/2017 - 20:21

This is game I made as part of a Permaculture Basics Course. Draw a Game Board of a Turtle with 13 'spaces' on the shell, maybe from the center going out in  a spiral numbered 1 to 13. You play as you learn going from one space to the next as you read each 'card' (which one can print out on a sheet of paper or put on 13 cards or number 2 sets of cards (if two players or teams) with 1-13 and the letters on the opposite side such as 1/P, 2/E, 3/ R etc. offers many cool ideas, but some touch topics may need fine tuning (forgiveness of killers and not done in person)

on Fri, 05/19/2017 - 18:44
My FB post on Marianne's FB page today, May 19, 2017 at the ripe age of 54 as of Mother's Day 2017). My condolences too to all involved in the Times Square tragedy of a miltary vet many high on pot laced with something ending the life of a young woman from Michigan and injuring about 20 others. May each be healed and the lovely young woman of 18 years be remembered as a heroine of a special sort, living her life and braving waking us all up to our mortality.
