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In 1970s and 1980s, Steven Greer Says there were 2 Billion Radio Frequency Chips made (in the US of A). Some (not sure how many) implanted as though aliens doing it..

on Fri, 11/03/2017 - 03:22

Watching some of the latest talks by Steven Greer, I appreciate his courage and intelligence even more. He is Trying to Get the Word out that we've not only not heard the truth about Almost Everything we think we know but were LIED TO bigtime.

Yikes!! Double Yikes!! "Fake Alien Abductions will keep people guessing and make it hard for normal people to believe in UFOs" Costuming, stagecraft and much more will be used to make abductions convincing to those involved ( especially young people I imagine).

It's late at night so I can't spend much time on this... but sadly if people were not

November 1st, 2017...the Start of the Rest of 2017 through December 31st, 2017..What Will It Hold For US-All? NYC Marathon to Run Still After Serious 'Hit' and Loss of 6 Lives in NYC by Lone 'Player'

on Thu, 11/02/2017 - 01:01

When I was at an appointment waiting for two hours to be seen (unexpectedly but reasonably once they explain they overbook and take all who show up but often have many cancellations), I was listening to an hour of coverage about the sudden loss of six adults (and the serious injury of another eleven people) by a rogue 'possibly terrorist-minded' 28-year-old man in a rented Home Depot truck. At this time of day, I am listening to inspiring ideas on but I got talking with another woman about my age regarding the tragic loss of life.

She commented, "There's just too much

Windy Welcome to Halloween, All Souls' Day and afterglow of New Life Expo in NYC

on Tue, 10/31/2017 - 02:52

Who's been tossed about by the wind these past few days in New York City, US-All? How about drenched with rain? Hopefully we'll be spared any big surprises from the skies for a mellow Halloween with the Americana traditions of costumes and trick or treating and a few parties (and plays in the street). Good times roll in certain neighborhoods but sometimes the fun turns to frolic and too much dipping into danger, so try to bypass that to get yourself in decent shape to greet November. The 1st of November is All Souls Day in the Catholic and maybe a few other traditions.

How a five minute segment of The Truth About Cancer can spur Five Blog Posts, including who wants to hear highlights

on Sat, 10/28/2017 - 15:33

When learning about the Pet Care to prevent cancer or treat cancer in a trailer from the Truth About Cancer Series by Ty Bollinger and others who have spent years interviewing experts and sharing the information of the processes of cancer, different treatment theories and strategies and ways of measuring and reporting results, my mind was open to hearing more.

Not everyone would be interested even though the information and route of inquiry is one of importance for everyone at this time.

More Posts on A Great Way to Share Ideas (though this format works too, but it's not free..)

on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 18:30

Hoping to streamline the flow of ideas onto one main site and that likely will be 

 You can have your own blog (with a user name or your real name..I would recommend a fake name if you want to start out easy breezy) on that site too.They have some for free and then there are upgrades. I have lots to learn and have put a few posts on over the past, but frankly have forgotten about it since I use this site from Bluehost usually.
